
Why do people cut themselves?everyday most likely>?

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not antone in particular just askin i dont kno?




  1. Well - I think it's fairly much agreed upon that people who are cutting themselves have been sexual abused as little kids.  It's mostly girls and women who do this - but some guys do too.

    I remember talking to one girl who was cutting herself so much they sent her off to the mental hospital for a tune up.  She said it was from obsessive thoughts and depression.  She'd be SO depressed and worthless and bad to the bone and horrible - so she'd sort of "punish" herself by cutting into her arm.  It was a total mania.  She would hide blades and knives and broken glass just in case somebody tried to stop her!

    She'd cut into her wrist or arm or about anywhere and get the blood flowing - and then, she said, the thoughts of worthlessness were sort of over.  Now she was wounded and the blood was running.  Now it was time to recover from the wound and the obsession with worthlessness would stay away for a while - until the wound healed up and off she'd go again.  The mental hospital REALLY helped her break this cycle.

    Anyway - that's only one case I saw - that's not to say that's how all people feel who cut themselves.  But I think it's fairly well agreed that childhood sexual abuse is the root of this behavior.

  2. The most common thing that I have found in self mutilation is that the individuals tend to be dealing with control issues.  Not all "cutters" are the stereotypical depressed adolescent that is "crying for help" or "suicidal."  If anything I have found that most of them are not suicidal at all even.  

      This is a issue of the person feels like they are being way to controlled, or are way too controlling themselves.  Whichever applies....well....that depends on the specific situation.

    I have met all kinds......from "usual" just taking a sharp object and digging, or a cigarette lighter........all the way to someone who just "picks" at scabs or picks their nose until it bleeds.  Biting inside the gums until they bleed.   Anything really......

    But one things remains true....they ALL try and conceal it.  Not because they are depressed or anything, they just don't prefer that people know about their habits.

    The bottom line is.....if I, the individual, does not have enough or too much, control.......then I can have,  more or somewhat, control over, myself.

    I hope that that makes sense.  Remember, if cuts are seen on anyone, and it seems deliberate, then treat it as a suicidal person first and then treat for mutilation second.  Just in case.

    Hope this helps.

  3. say you get a papercut, and then someone steps on your foot. it's gonna hurt more when someone steps on your foot, so you forget about the papercut. that's kinda why people cut. i don't cut, but when you have alot of pain bottled up inside you, it feels better if you have some other kind of pain to distract you from the emotional pain. i think?

  4. some people cut or self harm to detract from other internal pain others do it to see the cut, to see the blood and know somewhere inside themself that they are alive no matter how dead or lifeless they feel inside or in their lives.

    Some people do it for both of these reasons.

    if they can feel the extreme of pain then they know that they can feel. Full stop.

  5. Basicly people feel good when they cut themselves because they are under pressure, bullying, or other pressure. Those people want to release to stress or they want to feel good that they have something they can control. In other cases the people who cut themselves want to punish themselves for something they've done, or they think they deserve it.

    I read in 'Da Vinci Code' that one kind of Christians cut themselves or torture themselves with cilias(sp?) so they can pay for the sin they've sinned.

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