
Why do people deny forced adoption happens? SABAH ALIYAH HUSSAIN x forced adoption?

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My daughter. Taken from me in a forced adoption. I miss her. I love her. I WANTED HER. I WANT HER STILL!!! I know that can never happen unless when shes older she wants 2know me. I met her Adoptive parents after the court had finalised the adoption. I looked at this woman and wonderd what she had that I didnt. Why did social services an the secretive family court steal my baby and give her to this woman. And 2this day I KNOW that me and my daughter were victimised by ss to meet government adoption targets!! I dont hate th woman who has my daughter, how cn i? I lov her lyk she my own sister an I only met her once!! I h8 the fact tht shes doin my job, feelin my joy an pain, bringin up my baby. An it absolutely rips me2 pieces tht my baby lovs her cz that love was supposed to be mine. I hate the fact that I had 3more children afta my 1st an I cnt be the mom i wnt 2b coz Im scared sum1 gna steal them away. Im depressed bt im scared 2speak up coz they will take my kids. My hearts broken....




  1. Wow, that sounds terrible. I have never heard of forced adoptions! Ghost Writer has the US wrong. They don't take children here based on things you did prior to having children unless you have had a child previously in state care that went to TPR. Then you have to do your classes and case plan BEFORE the next child is born or that child will be taken right from the hospital even if it has been 10 years! (neighbor had this happen with her now 3 year old.)

      Our problem over here is giving children back to unfit families. We don't have "adoption targets". What we have here is an incentive ($$) to get children out of foster care but not always adoption. Most children that are adopted from foster care come with a subsidy payment until they are 18. States don't want to pay that so most often the children get sent back to scary situations at home or with unqualified family members (all states goals are family preservation) where the subsidy does not apply. I learned this in my foster classes from the case worker. (Michigan)

    Now we have children being killed by birthparents and the social workers soon to be put up on trial for pushing kids out of the system resulting in their deaths or physical harm. The money is more important to them.

    I don't think their should ever be financial incentives for placing a child anywhere so that the child may actually go where it is best for them.

  2. It does happen. That's why countries like Vietnam have stopped international adoptions and Guatemala is looking into it. There were too many abuses such as mothers getting their babies stolen from them, people from agencies scouring villages looking for babies, and even one case where a grandmother sold her grandchild without telling the mother. Adoption is big business and as long as there is a demand for babies, there are those who will stoop to unscrupulous methods to procure them for prospective parents.

  3. Because they don't want to believe it happens.  I'm so sorry.  I'm assuming you're in the UK

    Have you contacted Mr Josephs, here's a link

    I heard they were aboloshing the adoption targets in April because of the corruption in snatching babies.   The targets were designed to reduce the numbers in foster care but it didn't work because the demand is for babies and therefore they're snatching the babies without just cause to meet the targets.   It's so sick and I'm sorry.

  4. I know you miss your child but don't forget to be the best Mom to the children that you have

  5. Why was your baby taken from you?

    Normally the courts have to have a very good reason to remove children from there parents.

    Im so sorry for this pain, it must be horrible for you.

  6. I lost my son to a government forced adoption ten years ago. I was desperately reaching out for help with an illness . I was told I would get help with my disorder and instead they took my son. They also tried to take my daughter but her father was man enough to step up and parent his child.

    I have a two year old daughter and have lived her entire life in fear. I am terrified of child welfare showing up on my doorstep with an apprehension order and the cops. I question everyone's intentions and pretty reclusive because of it. I have an amazing support system and wonderful community resources on my side though. Without them I am sure I would be a total wreck.

    Seek out other first moms, I can't even describe how important it is to have a safe place to vent and gather advice! Feel free to email me if you need to talk, I am right here with you and I know how much it sucks!

  7. Your paranoia and mental instability comes through in your question.  This was probably a contributing factor to losing your child.

    Please try to get some help for yourself and your parenting if you are worried about losing your other children.

  8. You're from England, I take it?  Yes, they have gotten terrible.  Some women have fled the country while pregnant so their children would not be taken.  A father is in jail for helping his pregnant wife flee the country.  

    For those who do not know, England has followed the USA when it comes to adoption "targets".  The goal is to slowly weed children out of foster care, but the plan backfired terribly.  Often, women are deemed unfit and a danger of "possible" or "future" abuse based off things they might have done when younger, often times many years before they become pregnant.  They are told that their children will be taken at birth and adopted out.  No proof of abuse needed.  One woman decided to h**l with it and left England.  They wanted her baby to meet targets and used an eating disorder she had when she was a teenager as proof she might abuse her child, keep in mind this woman was in her early twenties when she became pregnant.  Something that happened almost ten years ago is their "proof" she would be abusive to her child.  Something she had gotten treatment for and recovered from many years before she became pregnant.  Not every child taken is taken justly, even by the state.  The USA is just as bad.  Falsifying reports, drugging children so they cannot refute allegations or are so doped up, they go along with what they are told....these things are happening.  All in the name of the mighty dollar.  The federal government of both countries gives out money to districts and states who find permanent homes for children in foster care.  Greed steps in.  Children are taken wrongly from good families.  It happens.  It could happen to any one of us.  Only England has gotten worse, deciding that women are unfit for motherhood even before they become mothers.  I support all who flee the unjust forced adoptions of their children.  I support those who defy the law and with hold the where-abouts of their wives and girlfriends so their children will not get taken.  Welcome to the new world.  Attacking the poor, those who cannot afford to defend themselves, and scooping up their children and giving them away to wealthier infertile families.  Not all are like this, but this is the majority.

    ETA- I never said the USA is using previous issues, that is England.  But the USA (Kentucky, Florida, Tennessee, just to name a few) has been ripe with foster care and adoption corruption.  Social workers eager to make a name for themselves, retalliation against natural parents when they appeal the termination (Kentucky CPS actually began taking extended family's children and even the child of the lawyer representing one woman when she appealed the termination of rights to two of her children...she had four.  They only took the youngest ones, the "hot commodity" ones).  Yeah, the USA is *** backwards with all of this.  They either take children with no proof of abuse or return the child to an abusive situation.  And often the natural parents are court ordered NOT TO EVER TALK ABOUT IT.  Imagine losing your child unjustly and then being told if you talk about it to the media or make public display of the kidnapping, you will get thrown in jail.  

    If it wasn't that bad, then how come the CPS of some states tried to get court orders barring the new media from airing their stories???????

  9. I am so sorry for your loss.

    And I am even sorrier that many here do not believe this is happening. Here are a couple of websites that are perfect example's of parents and children being separated right here in the United States...

    The final one shows how flawed or CPS system is...

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