
Why do people dip???

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My friend left his cherry skoal dip at my house last night by accident. I know dip is bad for you, but i wanted to try it once. So i took a small pinch put it in my lip for a few seconds, spin, left it in 10 more seconds, spit again, then a few more seconds, and spit. Honestly, I don't see anything special about it. It didn't get me High, I didn't get a buzz, it just tasted like I thought it would. So my question is, if its so bad, why do people do it? Would something have happened if I had left it in longer, do I just not have an addictive personality? I just wanna know!





  1. I think it's an addiction, just like alcohol or cigarettes. I would imagine they just get used to it and have a hard time not doing it.

  2. your right it is stupid. people start when young to be cool or fit in later they continue because they are addicted.

  3. Because they are weird!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Nothing would have happened if it is just tobacco.

    And, by the way, you don't need to have an addictive personality to get high from something. Nor do you need to have an addicitve personality to be an addict, come to think of it; it just means that you are more genetically inclined towards it.

    People will do it for the same reason that people smoke. And, as a smoker, I can tell you myself that I have no idea. I didn't start to look 'cool' or rebellious, or to fit in. I just did. People have free will and they will always use it to do stupid things :]

  5. If you didn’t get a buzz, you need a larger pinch. It is just an alternative to a cigarette. They both have nicotine so dip chewing tobacco is just as addictive. Not to mention there is also a social appearance of it. Some think having a cigarette is cool, well same goes for chew.  

  6. They are addicted to the nicotine in the tobacco. All tobacco products are addictive.  
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