
Why do people disagree with president bush and his decision to fight the war in irag?

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Why do people disagree with president bush and his decision to fight the war in irag?




  1. everyone wants peace............but still bush is the best...

  2. I'm thinking it's because the reasons for going to war were all lies. I've even started to hear leaked stories in the press on how this is all Cheney's doing rather than Bush, and I think I would believe that. Bush is too stupid to plan anything. Now, Cheney and Rove? Yeah. I could buy that.

    WMD's were a lie and everyone knows that the Administration misrepresented the intelligence data to make the case for war. Only it's been proven a lie many times over by more than one source. No arguing that.

    The idea about Iraqi democracy is also bogus. You do not impose democracy by force of arms. No one has ever been successful at that.

    The only thing the war in Iraq was about was oil. That's it. Just oil.

  3. It cost quite a bit of money. Money we don't have. Now we have tons of debt because of it. Is the world a better place because of the war in Iraq or not? I don't know.

  4. No I do not I still support him to this day we moved in to over throw a tyrant and were supported by the adverage Iraq only a hand full of Iraqies and foreign fighters are the ones causing all the problems we over threw a tyrant and librated a nation in 2003 that day will go down in history wether it goes down as a loss and a big mistake for the US or as the act of Libration and freedom it was is yet to be decided.....

    However I think that the Admistration truly thought that Iraq had WMD`s because if they were only using it as a lie from the begging to justify the invasion than they would have just planted WMD`s to make them look good so the fact that they didn`t find any actuly speeks to Bush`s cretbilty because like I said if he was lieing from the start he would have jsut planted the WMD`s

  5. lie the saying "opinions are like ars holes everyone has them and they all stink".. I thin the war was necessary.. sad , bad , evil, and devestating...the troops over there need all the support and then some. they are doing a tremendous job. I want them all to come home soon. we need to hurry up and get out... but we also need to do the job rite.

  6. Um...ask Colin Powell and others who abandoned Bush because of his stubbornness.  Even Bush admitted that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and no matter what he tells you (bringing in democracy, removing Saddam) that is the reason why we went in.  The United Nations was right in Iraq so Saddam Hussein wasn't able to do anything.  But we rushed to fight a senseless war anyway.  Meaning that we were afraid that the UN would find something.  But it wasn't WMD's we were concerned about it was oil.

  7. Maybe it's because the invasion of Iraq was based on lies.

  8. Because they are liberals and liberals are these people who like to go out into the woods and hug trees and lay down in front of mining machinery because they don't want the brown tailed earthworms to lose their homes. But mostly it's because they can't see past their wallets and don't understand that Suddam Hussein had enough WMD's (which he hid in Syria and there is satellite surveillance's to prove it and the UN has these videos) to wipe out the world's population in a manner of a few hours.  

  9. Because under International law it was illegal, it sets a bad precedent when a country breaks this law, we are all told to respect the law yet why does our leaders not........

    Here is a quote From the UN secretary General at the time Koffi Annan please keep in mind the UN are the holders of international law .........

    "I hope we do not see another Iraq-type operation for a long time - without UN approval and much broader support from the international community," he added.

    He said he believed there should have been a second UN resolution following Iraq's failure to comply over weapons inspections.

    And it should have been up to the Security Council to approve or determine the consequences, he added.

    When pressed on whether he viewed the invasion of Iraq as illegal, he said: "Yes, if you wish. I have indicated it was not in conformity with the UN charter from our point of view, from the charter point of view, it was illegal."

  10. I will give you a fast answer, it was illegal and therefore people want it over not understanding why their family has to die fighting in an illegal situation.


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