
Why do people dislike the Monarchy?

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Why do people speak of doing away with the Royal family? Britain has tried it's hand at being a republic...long story short, it didn't work and they begged to have a king again.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is one of the hardest working diplomats in the world - she and the rest of her family are subject to protocols and restrictions that we commoners could never dream of bearing. All to save the face of Britain.

Who else would do this for you?




  1. Who cares what other obviously worthless people think about your system.

  2. When people think of Monarchy they think of the bad ones in history. Or they think of U.S. President Bush as one and cringe lol.

    Good Royal Families, such as the ones in Great Britain and Canada, I actually like. Who wouldn't like a loving yet stern motherly figure to protect you and represent your country?

  3. Though im not english(I'm Germanic and Celtic) I still think the monarchy is the only true way to go.I mean is heaven a republic,no way,and Queen Elizabeth is a great queen and the whole world should be a monarchy.BRING BACK THE KING AND QUEEN RULE>for they rule under God.We need high class rulers not "elected" rulers.Rome and Greece fell because of a Democracy.All Hail the Queen

  4. The modern Royal family are a bunch of usurps.

    England belongs to the Saxons and the Angles [the Danes backed out years ago] in terms of Kingship, and there has not been one of these on the throne for a milennia.

    Even when the Saxons and Angles are removed from the equation we remain with the earlier Celtic [styled] tribes, none of which are in any way related to our current Royalty.

    Let them keep their titles but start paying their way fully. The houses they live in are ours. The lands they now own have been purchased with our money and our blood and should also be returned. Herck, it would be better if they did actually go back to their roots [then Harry can play with his German Uniform a lot more].

  5. I'm not sure why someone has answered that Queen Elizabeth isn't descended from the Saxon kings because she most certainly is.  She is a descendant of King Alfred the Great.  He is her 32nd great grandfather.  Before that, the island of Britannia was divided into different kingdoms such as Wessex, Kent, Mercia etc.

    To answer your question, I like the idea of having a monarch to represent the UK as a living symbol of Britishness.

  6. i don't think like that i am a Canadian and i am very pleased that we have our queen to protect us .

  7. Currently it is primarily western Commonwealth countries, particularly Australia but sometimes also Canada who want to get rid of the monarchy as the head of state.  They look at it as having a foreign king or queen ruling over the country or a figurehead who serves no purpose.  Britons who want to dispose of the monarchy view it as a drain on the taxpayer.

    The role the monarchy plays in any of these countries now is much different from what it used to be.  The Crown no longer exercises any real control or power.  The monarch and her family can offer advice to the government through the Prime Minister (the Queen and the PM have weekly meetings) and I understand that the advice she offers is often useful, based on her many years of experience in a non-partisan role.  The fact that the monarch cannot vote and must consider everything objectively has undoubtedly given the queen a unique perspective.  And as you say, she is one of the hardest working - and most respected - diplomats in the world.

    The primary argument for retaining the monarchy is tradition, in many respects.  I don't how Britain would present itself to the world, or view itself, if they did get rid of the monarchy now.  The Royal family is very much the public face of Britain.  Some members of the family, like any other, are more beloved than others, and the public's perception of certain family members has changed over time.  Take Princess Anne, for example.  She can be curt and brusque - yet no one would deny that she is one of the hardest working members of "The Firm".

    But the Royals are far removed from Australia.  And when you think about how Australia got its start -  the early settlers were convicts sent there for stealing bread and other petty crimes -  well, I can understand why  they view the monarchy as an out of date and unnecessary institution, to them.  

    As a Canadian, I view Her Majesty as the Queen of Canada when she is here, that is how she views herself.  It doesn't make her Canadian, I know, but it demonstrates to me that she does get it, she understands that people don't want to be governed by a foreign queen.  That is part of the reason all three of her sons, at least, and William and Harry, have had part of their education or their gap year in a Commonwealth country, so that they will have a better understanding of the wider world of the Commonwealth of which the UK is part and of which the monarch is head.

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