
Why do people dislike the feeling of "free fall" or drops??

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More specifically, rollercoasters with straight drops, or a sequence of them.

I used to love them, but recently rode Tower of Terror at Disneyland, CA and was terrified! I can't explain why the feeling was so horrible

Does anyone know anything about this? Scientific-or just experience?





  1. well, this doesn't always happen, but sometimes you're nervous system doesn't realize that you're safe, and causes your body and mind to react. More specifically, it's telling your mind "WE ARE GOING TO DIE." Many people do not realize this though, because most of the time the reaction is screaming.

    Also, with the "I left my stomach at the top" thing, I have no idea, because that only happens on roller coasters shorter than 200 feet tall for most people. I think it's just gravity reacting on the fluid in your stomach though (which also usually causes the unpleasant feeling of nausea.)

  2. Because they either don't like the feeling that you get in your stomach, or they're scaredy cats

  3. Its makes your stomach turn a little bit. As if some one is tugging on it as you fall.

    And maybe because they are scared of heights.

    Just an example!  

  4. well for me it be the lifting out the seat and the knot in my stomach  

  5. when i ride roller coasters my mind thinks im gonna die. I dont have a fear of heights or anything, but the first drop of a roller coaster does scare the **** out of me.

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