
Why do people do drugs?

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Why do people do drugs?




  1. because it's cool, you want some crack???

  2. Because Parents don't know how to Parent and get walked over by their kid and never let them know who is in charge.

    Parents should tell their kids drugs are bad,

    it hurts your brain and fu**s up your lungs too.

    Just because weed is a plant doesn't mean it isn't bad for you.

    Heroin is made from poppy which is a plant so if you use that same kind of thinking heroin should be fine too?!


    it hurs your brain and will regret it in life.

  3. People who do drugs cant handle reality

  4. to escape the pain of life.

  5. i don't f*ck with any thing else besides weed ..

    or alcohal

  6. My line stops at marajuana.

  7. Because they are stupid and think it's cool to feel woozy and unaware of what is going on around them. Most use it as a way to temporarily forget there problems. It's the same concept as getting drunk, really. But either way, it doesn't solve anything at all.  

  8. peer pressure.


    they think its the answer to their problems when they are dealing with depression.

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