
Why do people do "walks" for charity, when charity's more blessed when it's private?

by Guest65396  |  earlier

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You've heard the phrase about giving, "don't even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" right? Now, some smart-alecks will say they're left handed and would give with their left hand, but you know what I mean. How do you know when you do a charity walk, that you are doing it for the right reasons, and not so that everyone sees you and thinks what a great person you are for doing it?




  1. i do walks for charities that i know such as MDA i do walks for them since i have a form of MD (muscular dystrophy) i also do walks for autism as i know someone with autism and i do walks for cebreal palsy and a few others since i know people with those although i can't walk far (i have leg braces) i at least try. hope i help some :D

  2. Lots of people cant afford to give to charity. when you do sponsered walks it makes you feel good because you know you're doing it for a good reason but its not your money. I did a sponsered walk and raised £700, I didnt do it to look good I did it because my mum was sat dieing and i didnt know what else i could do. I can't afford to give money like that, i wish i could but i can't, if thats the only way i can help people then i would do a walk everyday of the week. If there were no sponsered walks then a lot of people wouldnt give to charity and i believe that charities made my mums last few weeks enjoyable. Let people help how they can or they aren't going to help at all. Beggers can't be choosers. Charities need the money i doubt they are bothered how they get it. An no people dont just want to look good! people care!

  3. don't people get sponsored for them? if you have to get sponsored you'll go and ask people to donate which raises their chances of donating and then you get more money than if you just donated money yourself. and besides even if the motives aren't all t hat good don't they still create a positive effect?

  4. If someone is raising money for a charity that I care about then let them think they're a great person. The charity still gets the money!

    But anyway, as the previous poster said, it does raise awareness and would hopefully encourage other people to do the same thing and that can't be bad! :)

  5. Different ppl favor different ways of giving.  Nothing is wrong with ppl having a good time while raising money.  Many people will gove only if someone they know is participating uin some event.   Sure it would be nice if ppl just gave but they don't and there are needs.

    Things like walks do raise awareness for ex you know about homelesness but do you know tha age of the average homeless person in your area?   If in NYC it is 6 if rest of US it is between 6 and 8.   Do you know how many homeless kids there are in your city or town?   You know about MDA but do you know how many related diseases there are?  Do you know which potential cures are most likely to work out?   Do you know how much it takes to find a yr of research on any one of them?   Do you kniow what it akes tomake a special wheel chair for some one with Lou Gerrigs disease and why they need it?  People partipating in walks and such events learn these things and share the info.   They also often become ongoing supporters and ongoing sharers of info not just at the walk.

    However if you do not like this way of helping help the ways you do like.    

  6. Who cares as long as it gets done?  Perhaps people aren't doing it for the right reason, but they're doing it!  Judge not lest ye be judged.  Also, from the charities' point of view, it offers a way for hundreds of people to ask other people for money, thereby giving those people a way to donate, and they can choose to be anonymous about it if they wish.

  7. Its just to raise awareness.

    Who wouldn't notice a bunch of people walking.  

  8. What's important is that a needy person is helped.

  9. it gets more people thinking about giving; plus theres donations given. duh.  

  10. The reason for charity walks is to bring attention to a charity in need.  People are more likely to donate if someone they know is pounding the pavement for the cause.  Experience shows these types of "walks" are quite successful in raising money.  Whether or not you're doing it for the right reason is a matter of your own conscience.

  11. The only person who knows the reasons someone is participating in a Walk is the participant. So, only you can decide for yourself. Presuming that people who participate only want to show to others that they are a 'great person' is not very realistic-most people have many reasons for participating, and it's a rude and cynical outlook-which I try to avoid.

    There are many reasons for participating in a Walk. Yes, awareness is part of it. So is raising money. Getting to know other people in your community is another reason. Sometimes people who are afflicted with a disease (Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, etc) participate and ask their family and friends to join them-so these folks are there to support someone they care for.

    Is it possible that some people only want to 'look good' to others? I suppose that is possible. Do I care if that is their reason? No, it's none of my business, that is between the person and his or her conscious.

    If you do not want to participate, then don't. You do not need a reason to not participate. I just don't see the reason for assuming bad things about those who do participate.

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