
Why do people do this...

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Kind of long but take the time to read this:

Christian Collins, 8-months-old, was removed from life support earlier this week, after physicians advised that the child had suffered from several broken ribs, Shaken Baby Syndrome, a human bite mark on his foot, a fractured skull and multiple bruising, according to Shelby County Sheriff Newton Johnson Jr. At approximately 9:30 a.m., Friday, July 25, the Shelby County Sheriff's Department received a 911 call about an unresponsive baby, Johnson said. Ambulances responded to the child's home in Tenaha, and he was taken to Shelby Regional Hospital in Center and later air-lifted to Christus Schumpert PICU in Shreveport, where Collins was placed on life support, according to Johnson. Collins was removed from life support at 11:40 a.m. Monday, according to Johnson.

Bradley Brock, 18, of Tenaha, was arrested and charged with felony 1 injury to a child. Brock is named as the father of the child in the sheriff's report, according to Johnson, but according to the child's obituary from Sadler Funeral Home, the parents are listed as Christian Reshon Collins and Kiesha Nicole Johnson.

My Question: how are we capable of doing this to another being? your own blood- your son? and only 8 months old




  1. People talk sometimes of a bestial cruelty, but that's a great injustice and insult to the beasts; a beast can never be so cruel as a man, so artistically cruel. The tiger only tears and gnaws, that's all he can do. He would never think of nailing people by the ears, even if he were able to do it.

    I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.

  2. This just makes me sick!  The collective "we" are not capable of doing this nor would we ever think about it. That's why the police have charged them with a crime. I only hope the report and the courts get the right people. (I see the names are different.)

  3. Poor little baby! WTF! Did you read the story about this guy who got beheaded on a bus in Canada? Or about this evil woman who let her 14 year old die mentally disabled daughter day in here own bed full of bodily waste and she only weighed 42 pounds? I remember a stor in my own city where this 72 year old guy was crossing the street and he got hit by a car and he was just lying there and people stood around and did nothing! I dont know WTF is wrong with people!!! This type of thing is scary!! Its like human kind is starting not to give a rats a** about anyone anymore.  

  4. OMG thats so horrible, these days all i hear is more and more such horrible things. Child abuse and unresponsible acts make the news these days. Such people are not mature, developed or have no sense of right and wrong, no emotions and also suffer mentally. People like Brock shud be either put in mental institution or put down. There is no cure for retards and retaining such people means exploiting the environment by our own hands. People like brock have themself gone thru abuse earlier in their life or they just have some interest in seeing how the kid wud suffer. Sad thing is we have to listen to such news each day and it shatters our heart to even think of such cruelty. If brock wasn't able to take care of the baby he shud have given the child for adoption.

  5. dipshits like this guy should be neutered

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