
Why do people drink Coffee.?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, just leave me in the cup guys, I feel so empty without my filling.




  1. I love to drink it when it is cold out because it warms me up but it also tastes good :)

  2. i love the taste of coffee,,, i drink it all day now that is my drink of choice

  3. i don't like it... but i guess because people like the taste and it keeps them awake or gives them a boost of energy and once they start drinking it, they feel like they need it to pick them up again

  4. Caffeine Addiction!  It's wonderful, despicable and necessary to most people that drink it on a daily basis.  And for the people who only drink it occasionally, they are still lucky enough to get that energy burst that most of us vets are trying to get again.

    Personally, I drink it because if I didn't I would be a bitchy tired mess.


  5. i don't drink coffee instead green tea and.peppermint.

  6. It is actually addictive. It has some sort of things in it and when people drink coffee in big amounts they just cant go without it.

  7. I drink coffee because it tastes good! It relaxes me and makes me feel happy.

    That flavor is totally good! And tried coffee flavored ice cream???

  8. Coffee has a stimulative property that makes people who drink it feel relaxed and happy. It also has antioxidants that help prevent some diseases and it reduces the incidence of some diseases like certain kinds of cancer.


  9. coffee need need coffeeeeeeeeeeeee

  10. I drink it for the taste! Caffeine doesn't actually keep me awake, so it's not that for me. I love the flavour of good, fresh espresso coffee.

  11. well coffee is delicious...

    but really they drink it because it is a good stimulant

    people working late drink coffee to stay awake and active on their work, and to be alert. People also drink coffee after waking up, usually during breakfast, to be also awake and be stimulated for the start of the day to work. coffee is also a very good antioxidant, it helps slow aging... for more info click on the link... however, coffee is very addicting because of caffeine, but there is decaf coffee... too much cofee also causes nervousness , for more plz follow on the link... hehe

    well goodluck to you and... you should try it but not too much!


  12. Caffiene!

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