
Why do people drink coffee in America and tea in the UK?

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I know it has something to do with the American colonists giving up their british insights and resorted to coffee, but I'm not entirely sure. I want to know exactly why?




  1. Actually they drink more coffee than tea over there.  

  2. Taxes.That's where it all started. The Brit's had a monopoly on tea.

  3. I don't know if anyone could tell you why!  We Americans do love our coffee, though tea drinking is becoming a bit more popular because it has less caffeine, has anti-oxidants, etc. that we are being told is good for us!  

  4. People in Britain went to China in the 15th century. They discovered hygiene from the Chinese. The Chinese wanted to trade with Great Britain or actually England at the time but they thought the English were very dirty people. The Chinese believe in bathing every day and they took their shoes off before entering their homes and they boiled all their water and drank tea because the discovered that people would get typhoid from just plain water, that by boiling it, it would kill all the germs. So the English became addicted to tea. The Americans became addicted to coffee. America traded with South America and discovered coffee. It became the drink of America and still is. Again you had to boil the water to drink it and this cut down on Typhoid here in America as well.  

  5. I'm pretty sure that's stereotypically inaccurate.

    we drink a ton of coffee and tea in america, we are prone to drinking coffee b/c it's more convenient at our drivethroughs. Most Americans do not understand how to properly brew tea to their taste. tea in a styrofoam cup is not the tastiest thing in the world.

  6. A big part of why Americans drink coffee and not tea comes from the Boston Tea Party.  The part that sucked was White settlers dressed as Native Americans and dumped a bunch of tea into Boston Harbor....sure blame the Indians!  Anyway, the whole thing was because England was putting a huge tax on tea so in rebellion, Americans started drinking coffee instead.  

  7. perhaps it has nothing to do with the UK or America?

    maybe this is Gods way of keeping enough beverages in use all the time by somehow influancing one group to drink this and the other that as God is about a balance from what i understand.

    think though have you ever had tea?

    can you get tea at the store as well as a restraunt?

    have you had coffee?

    can you get coffee at a store or restraunt?

    i used to drink coffee but now i drink tea.

    maybe americans are behind the knoweldge curve and dont know tea is better for you?

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