
Why do people drink in front of here children?

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I do not get why parents get drunk in front of there children when I drink my kids are gone,sleep not looking at me.Do understand why people get loaded while there children are in the room,it makes no sense to me.




  1. My dad drinks in front of me. Even my mom has had a wine cooler in my presence. Part of my dad's ritual is that when he gets home he opens a beer, or pours a vodka and fuse. I've never been bothered by it.

    As far as actually getting drunk, that's a little different. I've never seen my mom drunk (she's not much of a drinker: she was the designated driver on her 21st birthday, and she has only ever actually been drunk once, and that was before I was born).

    My dad on the other hand, I've seen drunk on two occasions that I'm aware of. The first was at my aunt's wedding, and I think I was around 12 or 13, though I don't really remember. He still denies it, but he fell backwards through the tent where all the food was.

    The second time was at a 4th of July party this year. He hit his head on a purse laughed a lot. My dad is clumsy when drunk, but very jovial. Honestly, it doesn't really affect me. My dad is a great father, and very clear that drinking is an adult activity. I was never aware of him being drunk when I was younger, though he did drink beers in front of me. It really wasn't a big deal.

    Now that I'm older, he has shared with me that drinking runs in his family, and encourages me to avoid alcohol even when I'm old enough. He's told me about the mistakes he's made, and I've learned from him.

    Honestly, I think it's better that I know that my dad isn't a completely perfect person. The thing is, he's still a pretty amazing one, and I look up to him. He's a great dad, and I respect him completely.

    I'm more concerned about parents who hurt their kids, or fail to parent them properly than those who have the occasional beverage in their presence. I think that there are far worse things that a person could do.

  2. it definitely bothered me as a child.  i wont touch alcohol now.  it can have the reverse affect on kids, though.  they can see it as normal behavior and lead to alcoholism.

  3. most of these people are likely those with an alcohol problem... ...and drinking tends to be of foremost importance in their lives, so they'll do it whenever they please, i suppose.

  4. l know what you mean. when l was growing up my family drunk in front of my sisters and l use to hate this. now that lm all grown up l will not pick up a drink. well l don`t drink period anyways so l have nothing to worry about

  5. because some parents don't want to change their lifestyle for kids, regardless of whether they should or not.  Personally I find it selfish.  I grew up with a father that drank, and we hated it.  Kids can tell when parents are under the influence and it makes them uncomfortable.  If I ever drink, it's when they are asleep.  My pet peeve is when adults get drunk at their kids birthday parties.

  6. You know, I have no idea. When I was a kid I had to put up with this, and seeing how people act when they've had a couple drinks has made me completely averse to the idea of alcohol. Even when I'm legal, I don't think I will drink; I see no point to it.

  7. I dont see a prob with having a glass of wine or whatever with dinner.  But to get drunk I dont think is right.

  8. Personally i drink socially but not in front of my daughter but there is nothing wrong with drinking around your children(not getting drunk). My motto is if you can't hide it from God don't hide it from anyone else. There are a lot worst things people do in front of their kids.

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