
Why do people drink tea after they have eaten?

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Why do people drink tea after they have eaten?




  1. Well I am from NL .. we drink tea ALL the time lol. But after a meal is great .. gives us time to relax , chat and let the meal digest a bit before clean up . So is more a social thing .

  2. Scottish grandparents here.......

    and we were just raised with tea.   We don't do "proper" tea......mugs are fine.......and, yeah after a's all about just pushing away from the table and just relaxing after stuffing our faces.

    It's not polite to talk with your mouth most of the socializing and actual talking, takes place AFTER everyone is fed.......and ready to just sit back and relax after a meal.........and sip their tea and chat.

    It's just relaxing......and a nice way to finish off good meal.

    The water has to be BOILING.........which is why I never order it in restaurtants after a meal.

    you always get served some lukewarm dirty dish water.

    And considering how CHEAP a box of tea bags's appalling what restaurants charge for a cup of tea.......yet they give out free coffee refills...which is much more expensive.  

    Go figure.  I never understood that.

  3. To wash it down.

  4. I dont...

    I drink water :)

  5. to wash it down?

    they enjoy it?

    they didnt want coffee?

    none of the above?

  6. They don't... and no POOH it's not an English thing. Possibly an archaic 'English thing' or the sort of thing that 'trendy' Americans do because other Americans tell them that it's an 'English thing'.

    I'm English and I absolutely despise tea! The only thing I take as a digestif is Scotch Whiskey or more rarely; Parisian Absinthe.

  7. when we eat food , certain chemical rections which occur during digestion produce compounds or hormones, which makes us feel sleepy . As we all know that caffeine in tea makes us alert, so people drink tea after meals.

  8. I drink tea with my meals.

  9. It aids digestion.

  10. Being English I think I have a certain knowledge on this subject! Lol.  I drink tea after a meal because it is a good way to finish the meal, it relaxes me, my other half is preqnant so she likes to have a drink of water/Juice.  We have a chat, go through the days events, plans for tomorrow etc.  A cup of tea is part of the English heritage and never put the milk in before the hot water.

  11. i'm not sure. it would be too much for me to drink a proper cup of tea after eating a meal.

    i do drink peppermint tea afterwards though, for digestion purposes

  12. its a nice drink to have with your dinner not fizzy so it doesnt bloat you and it is just nice drink.

  13. I think its an english thing. I always drink diet pepsi with my meals.

  14. I don't, do you.

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