
Why do people drive fast in the slow lane?

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oh by the way im guilty of this myself why who knows guess i just like to drive fast




  1. And why do they drive slow in the fast lane? And why is it against the law to just push them off the street? I wish I knew. Most people are just self absorbed and inconsiderate.

  2. 1) Its against the law to drive for long periods of time in the fast lane...supposed to be for passing.

    2) police focus their attention on the fast lane, since most of the speeders run in the fast lane.

    3)A good driver will always stay to the right unless to pass.  So the ones in the left lanes, are the ones you need to be cautious of.

  3. because there are a lot of idiots driving slow in the fast lane! so i am forced to pass in the slow lane.....d**n morons.

  4. they think that they can pass all the slow vehicles and drivers on the right most lane. It's interesting because when Iam already in the slow lane, people are still tailgating me and don't bother to pass me on the left. This really annoys me.

  5. for the same reason they drive slow in the fast lane.. they dont know how to drive

  6. Just drive behind another person going about the speed you want to go and you'll be good.

  7. lol I drive fast in the slow lane but only if no one's really on the highway..its a good passing change :)  

    sometimes dumb people will be going 5 over in the fast lane so you must resort to another passway...the slowww lane

  8. Maybe they're from another state. In some states the left lane is for passing only. You can get a ticket for driving in the left lane for more than a certain number of feet. I'm ignoring the carpool lane, of course you can't drive in that anywhere, not unless you have the required number of passengers.

    OK, that accounts for a few of the inconsiderate drivers, the other are just that, inconsiderate, just like those who drive exactly the speed limit in the fast lane.

    As long as you're going the speed limit don't let anyone push you to go faster. If they don't like it let them strain themselves and go around.

  9. Probably because people have this subconcious need to enforce social norms on others.  When someone spots someone going really slow on the freeway they might feel the need to dramatize just how slow that person is going by whizzing by them at a fast speed in the lane next to them.  This happens more frequently than we would all like to admit!

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