
Why do people drive like idiots in the northeast?

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I live in Massachusetts and commute 35 miles to college near Boston everyday...I constantly see people talking on cell phones, doing their make-up, tailgating.....all at scary speeds. Why do people feel the need to do this?




  1. Because they are practicing for when they come to Arizona!

  2. Yep it is Rampant all over the USA

    and other places as well.

    People are just to preoccupied, on auto pilot, or just don't give a hoot, then you have the insurance scammers out there too

    So make sure you stay insured !!

    Compare it to LIFE and you will see the analogy.........

  3. People in the Northeast are impatient & always in a hurry.

    Come to North Carolina. Fewer idiots on the roads.

  4. Newsflash:

    People drive like idiots everywhere!

  5. Its everywhere. They should have two seperate roads. One for Idiots, and the other for decent drivers. Any Idiot caught driving on the decent driver road, will be suspended for life!

  6. p t barnum said once, there an idiot on the road every day.

    why are they all following me?

  7. I live in Boston. People do drive like idiots, Bostonians have almost no tolerance, patience, or sympathy. A lot of people do what they waant and or need to at the speed they may find appropriate instead of doing what is betterfor others.

  8. Welcome to Washington...oh wait, you're on the east coast. The ones I can't stand are the driver's who feel the need to speed up to your bumper, fly into the next lane to pass you, pull in front of you and SLOW DOWN!

    That and bad 18 wheel truck driver's. Most are pretty good, but the ones that tailgate, or pull in front of me without signalling are scary!

    Oh yeah, crazy GI's going to Ft. Lewis and McCord Airforce Base!!!

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