
Why do people drive like jerks?

by  |  earlier

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I was sitting at a red light today in bumper to bumper traffic when I realized my lane was not moving and the cars in front of me were trying to move over to the left lane because a van in our lane had broken down. I put on my signal and waited as other drivers just passed me by. I finally had to get a little aggressive and practically force my way into the other lane. I always try to be nice and let other drivers move over and don't understand why other drivers can't do the same. Do you always let other drivers in or do you keep driving like you don't see them sitting there with their signal on?




  1. sometimes you have to make eye contact. But yeah most of the time the people are jerks

  2. their dumb@$$es

  3. Be honest now,   that should be "moronic jerks".  

    Most people appear not to see your turn signal,  or  pretend to be dumb enough to not know what it means.

  4. People are retarded and in a rush to go to the next light. I let drivers in front of me sometimes, but if its gonna hold up traffic then no...

  5. Well I only just started driving but I usually let the others cars go. Chances are everyone will end up at the same stoplight down the road anyway.

  6. Since the invention of the car people have developed a complex system to make sure everyone can drive a car where they need to go safely any time they choose.

    While this system lacks in many areas, and while we still have to spend long periods in traffic, it works for the most part.

    I can expect not to crash into someone today, and it is probably safe to say it won’t happen tomorrow either.

    But, even after all this time we have had to get used to the driving lifestyle, some people just can’t seem to grasp the rules of driving.

  7. Sometimes you just have to be a jerk yourself. Most people on the road are thinking about themselves and how imperative it is that they get there. It annoys me. If I see a blinker I let people over and what not.

  8. its normally just the women but there distracted by cellphones lipstick kids

  9. i'm a very poilte driving...i wish others would return the favor especially when i have little kids in the car cause if someones gonna get hurt its usually the little guy

  10. I try to let them in. People are in such a hurry to get places, they don't seem to care how they get there, as long as it's fast.

  11. I'm sorry

    I didn't know that was you. ;-)

  12. That's typical everywhere. Around here forcing your way in is not advised unless you want to get flattened.

    In general I let one, maybe two cars in. ...but if I see you pull out of line from behind me in my lane racing up to force your way in ahead of me I won't let you in because you are being rude and/or inconsiderate of other drivers.

  13. lol.. it depends what's going on with me.

    If I'm in a rush, then I'm going to keep driving and not let them out in front of me.

    If I'm just crusin' a long, no where I need to be by a certain time, then I am more likely to stop, let the other lane that is blocked.. move out into my lane.

    All though, I'm not going to sit there like a dummy and let car after car pull out... maybe just a couple!

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