
Why do people drive like this?

by  |  earlier

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People in the south drive slow in the passing lane, but the worst thing is the people who tailgate behind them trying to push the car , then it creates a congestion and they can't get over into the right lane if they wanted to.

What's your take on this , and do you have a pet peeve while driving?




  1. because they are strange

  2. Hi There

    I do have a problem with people who drive this way, but more so with the police who don't enforce the traffic law just the ones they want to, like the speeding laws only.

    The fact of the matter is that people who drive slow or at the speed limit in the fast lane are more dangerous than those who are driving faster than the speed limit.  There are signs on all state and federal highways and freeways that read "Slower Traffic Right Lane" or "Slower Traffic To The Right' all cars that are traveling slower than the pace of traffic are supposed to be in the right lane on all highways and freeways, but a lot of times they are not and that causes may problems for other drivers.  Many drivers drive a minimume 10-15 mph over the speed limit, in the lower 48 states traveling long distances it is commend for drivers to be traveling 20-30 mph over the speed limit and to come upons someone who is traveling at the speed limit in the fast lane can and many times does cause accident especially if the faster driver isn't able to change lanes before running in to the slower driver.  Remember speeders do not cause accident slower drivers do, speeders just make them worst.

    Think about it for a little while and think about the accidents in your area that involved elderly people whom on average travel at a slower pace, and see if you come up with the same conclusion.

    Thank you for asking this question, I have always want to let people know what I thought about people who drive slower than the pace of traffic and the outcome of what happens when a faster driver come upon a slower driver.

    Take care and keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel....cya....peace....

  3. I have bad road rage.  I wish I could keep a carton of eggs in my care to throw at someone who ticks me off.

  4. i'm from the north and go south for the winter. the people in the south drive faster than they do up north.

  5. Yes your situation is very common but what I dont like is that people dont use turn signals, it seems that you are in a constant guessing game, I just dont know sometimes.

  6. Well, doesn't everything slow down in the deep south? lol

    I hate lane hoppers who don't look or signal and just figure they own the road.

    I hate tailgaters too.............and those who pass and then slow down and make a left turn in front of me.....

    It bugs me when people don't stop at stop signs and red lights.

    There are so many things I detest about the lack of self-discipline in "other" drivers.

    We all have to continue to develop our own self-discipline too because we also make mistakes and can't afford to get too self-righteous.

    People who drive slow in the passing lane either aren't "on task", or are on "cruise control", or figure they are the "lane police"...............

    Thnk and Drive

    Think and Live

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