
Why do people drive like t!ts on the M25?

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Why do people drive like t!ts on the M25?




  1. I don't know about anyone else, but I've NEVER driven onto the M25 and then got out of my car and splashed around in a puddle, eaten peanuts from a small net pouch, or pecked around looking for worms whilst keeping an eye out for cats.

    Nope, I much prefer to come off the slip road onto the M25 at 97mph and then lane hop aimlessly, occasionally sitting in the middle lane and slowing down to 55mph just for a laugh.

    Its just SOOOOOOO much fun!

  2. i didnt know t!ts could drive

  3. Well what did you expect, a sensible answer?

  4. In my experience, most people drive well on the M25 and I use that road frequently.  I think though that the few idiots are more noticable when they drive like morons!

    Make the motorway speed limit 90mph and strictly enforce it, make tail gating a criminal offence, and serve heavy fines on drivers who sit in the middle lane without overtaking, and I think you would see a much better situation.

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