
Why do people drive so fast?

by  |  earlier

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It makes me very mad to see some of the idiots out there today driving around. These people must not know that a speed limit is posted for a reason, the signs aren't just there for decorations. Speed is the number one cause of accidents, that is a fact. There is never any need to drive more than a few mph over the speed limit, if at all; NO NEED AT ALL. These people might think its ok for them to drive that fast because they call themselves "good drivers", well I have news for you: being a good driver isn't about being able to safely go 100 mph, its about driving safely and friendly in all aspects of driving, and speeding is neither safe nor friendly. If anything, aren't you people the least bit concerned about getting nailed for a $200+ speeding ticket? I don't know about you, but I like keeping the money I earn rather than giving it to the state. If you do the basic calculations, if you drive 10 mph over the speed limit, you will only save a couple minutes in one hour. And lets not forget the fact that driving too fast makes you way more tired than going around the speed limit, because you are then forced to weave in and out of traffic to pass everyone, and always be looking out for cops on patrol. That's enough to make even the best of drivers tired, and driving tired is a very dangerous thing to do. I say all this as a former truck driver myself, who has probably put on more miles than a lot of people out there. What do you guys think?




  1. Speed is NOT the number one cause of accidents, very few accidents are caused by excessive speed, most are caused by not paying attention or tailgating.  Read the link below.

  2. I would have to agree to your rant.  People are dumb and have a tendency not to think about other people while behind the wheel doing a 100 mph.  I have done my fair share of speeding and have realized that whatever the reason I was speeding isn't worth risking my life over.

  3. Its fun and people like me are impatient. If you play gta iv you'll learn the answer quickly.

  4. To reach destination earlier.

  5. People are self-absorbed and think they have an inherent right to act in any way they please.  Speeding on the highway is just indicative of this attitude of entitlement.  In this day of global warming and gas prices, it is especially irresponsible.  The comeback that they can afford the gas is not an appropriate response either.  We all have a personal responsibility to conserve gas and more importantly lives.  I agree-many people drive way too fast and endanger everyone and our planet.

  6. they are in a hurry. i do not like it.

  7. It feels good

  8. Society has become very fast paced and people are impatient nowadays.  And teens love speed.......

  9. Because they're impatient, selfish, inconsiderate, moronic, stupid people.

  10. A lot of the time, "Fast" drivers are just racing from stoplight to stoplight, anyway - and even when I can keep pace with them when I'm hypermiling or riding my bicycle, they don't catch on that they're needlessly squandering their own money on fuel - just to make their car a little more noisy and dangerous for other people.

    People need to realize that even awful drivers consider themselves to be "good" drivers (and that they're probably awful).

  11. cause everyone thinks that they have to hurry to where ever they are going. But after they are hurt in an accident they think why did I have to hurry now I am hurt and in pain ect. Or they wind up dead.

  12. Ifs because they are showing off, and have no due care attention  in there minds, they think they are better than you, when really they are not. sometimes a little bit of showing off leads to bigger bragging heads.

  13. I agree with you, good drivers can go and rent a private test track for a day, with the money they could save from getting speeding tickets.

  14. couldn't be bothered reading all that but i think its cause they wanna get their fast? or just like the thrill.

  15. i been driving a long time and i can actually tell you there are no one goes the exact speed limit, not even the cops.but i,ll agree with you, there are some that goes extream. i guess they are trying to kill themselves or take someone else with them. i just heard on the news last night where a 18 yr. old girl died by going too fast in pittsburgh, it was on interstate 70. i had people pass me up real fast and just down the road a piece they would turn off. it,s crazy and that,s why insurance is high.

  16. i know its so annoying. there are some very angry people on the road these is a personal story of mine. yesterday i was driving my convertible while casually eating some cheezits. one fell on the floor so i just threw it out the window(no biggie, right?) so then i got off my exit and this lady pulls up to me, rolls down her window and goes "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I THREW SOME  S H I T AT YOUR CAR" i was just cracking up. i was like im sorry did the cheezit scratch your car? hahahah some people are just so angry.

  17. pretty easy to make a call on the phone to cops ....all you have to say is you think they are drunk driver and give tag number and where they are.. think about that... going fast and weaving all over the road is a sign right... call it in....ive done it a few times really you never know right and if it saves someone life then you did the right thing

  18. The #1 cause of accidents is tailgating,followed by backing out of a parking space...

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