
Why do people drop pocket change?

by  |  earlier

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I was going into a grocery store the other day. I saw this older man who you can tell had money. He litterally dropped his change in the parking lot. I sometimes find up to a dollars worth of change each week. I am poor & appreciate someones loose change.




  1. because it has traces of f***s and crack cocaine on almost all of it...true fact

  2. Some people are superstitious and believe that you will have good luck if you find coins on the ground.

    So, when those people are feeling generous, they want to leave some coins behind so others can find a little good luck and happiness.  

    I know I leave pennies all over the place! (Heads up, of course.)

  3. Maybe it's a way to "give back" and not have to carry lose change around?

    A hole in their pocket

    Maybe there just egotistical brats who and feel they are "above" that small change ( which is just silly)

    cause I have searched my couch for change before when I needed something and I was broke.

    I've never personally seen someone do what your saying  here, so I'm not entirely sure.

    But I would pick it up too :)


  4. LMAO, so am I!  I am one of those people who will always pick up change, even if I drop it, although I do make exceptions for pennies heads down.  I've been thru too many "tough times" and have learned how it can add up and help pay for gas, groceries, a gallon of milk.  I do believe that people are more stingy with thier change than they used to be.  I don't find it lying around like I use to anymore.

  5. most people don't know the value of money.

  6. I have to agree with Mel,people dont value pocket change,it is MONEY neverthe less,and people in gas stations leave pennys,nickels,dimes and even quarters behind! It's like,give it to ME,i'll be more than happy to take a fools money!

  7. A great majority of the American public is so used to such a wonderful lifestyle, and "bad times" are something only read in history books.

    I think another sort of depression is coming. People are freaking out over "recessions" and the gas of oil is ridiculous... He'll be sorry he dropped that change.

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