
Why do people eat bad and drink diet coke?

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I am currently working on losing weight and as a result have become very curious about other peoples eating habits.

One thing I have noticed is that people will sit there with KFC and large chips and eat cake and chocolate etc after wards and drink diet coke with this meal... why do they do this?

If you are going to eat food such as that why not go with regular coke? I don't mean this question in a rude way I am honestly curious so if you do this yourself or if you have a theory on why people do this (without being rude) please let me know.

Thanks Sarah xxxxx




  1. Because Diet Coke is a zero calorie substitue for the real thing, and it's pretty close, if there was a no calorie cheeseburger out there that was relatively close to the real thing, dont you think you would eat it.  Drinking regular soda with meals can add 140 calories per 12 ounces you drink, that can add up to thousands of calories a day depending on how much soda you drink........personally I dont know why anyone would drink regular coke, unless you are trying to gain weight.

  2. Why do you think?  

    I think it is because it makes them feel like it is the only thing that they can compromise on.  They are reluctant to give up the KFC and large chips, etc. but not the soda.  They have convinced themselves that diet tastes similar to regular.  Probably if there were an acceptable diet substitute that tasted similar to the fried items at the fast food places, then MAYBE they would consume those too.  Plus there is no one around to call them on it.  Before you are too quick to judge, consider that you are possibly a person who does this too.

    There is a really good publication called Oxygen that supports a clean eating philosophy.  It frequently goes into detail about this desire that we all have to eat junk food.  Mostly it encourages you to make your own quick meals so that you do not turn to junk food so much.

  3. My mom always wonders this.  I drink Diet Coke just b/c I like the taste of it.  Maybe that's why others drink it too.  

    Maybe it's a way for them to feel better about all the c**p they're eating.  "Well I'm ok because I'm drinking Diet."

  4. The people either have very little knowledge about dieting or they are lying to themselves to themselves.  They don't understand that 1. it is already to late when they ate the chicken and the chips and potatoes with the biscuits.  2. they don't know that they are making it worse by drinking extra ton of salt to add to the grease and salt and carbs and fat they just ate.

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