
Why do people eat in there cars?

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I have noticed recenlty that when visiting restaurants "mainly fast food" people are eating in there cars instead of eating in the restaurants. What are some of the reasons people do this?




  1. Sitting in the car is convenient.

  2. Here are my reasons for people eating in their cars

    1) They want to still listen to the radio while they are eating.

    2) They are too lazy to get out of the car

    3) They do not want to drive while eating, but don't want to sit in a noisy restaurant.

    4) They want the peace & quite of their car.

  3. 1)People have to get somewhere,and need to eat fast.

    2)It could cause an accident to eat and drive

    3)It gives them privacy

  4. they want to hurry up and eat so they just stay in the car, tht or they hate dealing with stupid people.. so they avoid them by ..staying in the car!

  5. 1) They don't want to be around somebody else's screaming and running kids

    2) They have a pet in the car that they don't want to leave alone.

    3) These days with hold-ups and criminals, a quick get-away could be a plus. ;)

    4) Can't have a private conversation in a public place.

  6. maybe they have somewhere to be in a hurry.. duh

  7. FF restaurants are germ festivals.  Stay healthy and eat right.

  8. b/c plastic seats and cheap lighting are unpleasant..  it is spring so eating in the car with the windows open is a lazy man's picnic.

  9. They have too much to do and don't have the time to slow down and eat correctly.

  10. because a lot of times people are in a hurry. anymore i'd rather eat in my car because the resturants are loud and dirty. also i like to listen to talk radio when i am by myself in the car and i will eat and listen.


  12. Ughhh !!!!!! We do this all the time. Mostly we do it if we are leaving out of town or just going somewhere and we do not want to waste more time. I know its bad, but with baseball season and jumping from one park to another it just has seem easier. But we need to stop cuz first it is not healthy and 2nd we waste A LOT of money. It was proven last month when I checked out our spending budget.YIKES!!♠

  13. Its really easy and you don't have to go through the restaurant to get it if you go through the drive through :)

    People eat anything from BIG MAC's to McFlurrys in their cars

  14. Their fat butts fit perfectly in thier car seat instead of the booth and chairs inside.

    They don't like to eat in the public.

    They don't want to hear a kid scream.

    They want to listen to their car radio or cd.

  15. their on the roll got no time to sit and waste!

  16. I would prefer to eat in the car than in a fast food restaurant, sometimes I just don't feel like going in.

  17. Maybe because their pressed for time and can't have a sit down meal.  Maybe their just testing the food out before they take it home lol. Sometimes I'd rather eat it in my car than the restaurant. h**l I get more peace and quiet while I eat.

  18. Peace and Quiet - Eating fast food can be very agitating and un-fulfilling - so maybe it is best eaten in a quiet place.

  19. Cannot be bothered with the hassle of finding, claiming and dining at a clean table that will seat the entire group.

    Also, some people like to listen to the radio I suppose.

  20. sometimes it's just easiest thing to do.

  21. Privacy.

  22. Sometimes they need a moment to be alone and eat in peace and quite.

    A fast food restaurant is a really chaotic environment. Noise from the cars going by, people taking orders, people speaking orders, people talking, children making noise... it's just too much sometimes.

  23. if a person is on the go or in a hurry to get some place they can just place the bag on their lap or in the passenger seat and eat well they drive. i have done this a few times before. they could also want to listen to their radio or music instead of the music inside the fast food place. they might not wantto deal with and listen to the kids running around and screaming.

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