
Why do people emigrate here...?

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and then continue to show the country they came from loyalty by calling it, "my country"?




  1. I am in London. I am here because I love the weather :D

  2. as of mexicans, things aren't all that great over there and we're the closest to them. others, when they get here and see how things are they feel things are better then at home and don't go back.

  3. I dont know were you are from, Im assuming the US or UK. I know they like to come to these two countries to take the money and education, and we are the suckers that help them out. I know Im gonna get reported or thumbs down, but this is just what I have learned from talking to immegrents who came to both. I think we need to be harsher on them, and look out for our own, like they do for thiers while they ship the money and jobs out.

  4. I am italian and I'd rather go to h**l than to the USA :)

  5. Because  we give them FREEBIES; free public school, free social services and free medical care. They get also get unemployment, food stamps just making it across the border. We automatically give an "anchor baby" citizenship and let the parents stay...what a deal huh?

    If either Obama or McCain is elected all illegals immigrants will have the right to vote and they won't even have to be a citizen. This is the "new more liberal" American way.

    Oh, if you're a natural born AMERICAN citizen,JUST SHUT AND PAY YOUR DAM TAXES!

    Any questions?

  6. they go there obviously, for a better life,opportunities.because everybody seems to think the life in USA is perfect....

    and everybody will always remember their land,food and friends.Mexico would be perfect without a corrupt government.which unleashes all other problems.

    but if you do not like those comments don´t hang out with those persons.or ask them when you hear that!

  7. Do you mean illegally invade here. Because they do not have the guts to stand up for themselves in their own country but are all big and bad when they come here, they come so they can have anchor babies, get freebies, get free education and ruin the educational system, take jobs from Americans who need them, smuggle in drugs, support their gangs etc...

    Report and Deport!!!!!!

  8. lets simplify this

    say u're in your early twenties and you move out of your parents house. you're parents are emberassing, annoying, rude, ect ect ect and you'd be better off my yourself.

    when you move out do you stop admitting those people are your parents? Do you stop using little "family" traits that have defined you over the years? Do you stop refereing to that place as your "home"?.......NO...moving to a new apartment will NOT CHANGE WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE U CAME FROM!! matter how much you're neighbors wish you'd change!

  9. Because they are s***s and have no role to play in their own country,they bring their culture that is untidy ways and poverty.

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