
Why do people enjoy studying about indochina and the viet minh?

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Why do people enjoy studying about indochina and the viet minh?




  1. I'll give you a general answer, then a personal one.

    First, in general, the history of Indochina from 1940 to 1972 (I'll restrict my comments to Viet Nam) and the viet minh (established as a political entity &, so to speak, army, mainly under the leadership of  Ho Chi Minh in the 40's ) is a lesson we should never forget.  Although Ho Chi Minh was a communist he was first and foremost a nationalist.  He (and the Viet Minh) fought the Japanese, the  French,  the United States (and UN allies) all in order to achieve Vietnamese independence.  And he achieved his goal (as he defined independence).  By the way the Vietnamese are not that fond of the Chinese. Secondly, these wars have effected and still effect the relationships that China, Russia, the US, the wider Indochina (Myramar, Thailand, Vietnam, etc) have today. Also, we may ask ourselves, did we learn anything in Viet Nam given the current War in Iraq?

    Personally, it's part of my history, to me, it's current history. Because 'the politicians' and America mis-read history we suffered tremendous loss of lives and treasure. I worry about what the politicians are saying and doing today (both sides). I worry about what the consequences may be. I worry about our military.  

    Is Iraq another Viet Nam?  I would say no. Not exactly, but . . . . . . . I hope the generation of today doesn't have to pay like my generation did.

  2. A variety of reasons:

    1. If you study the history of the region you learn that Indochina has been invaded and occupied repeatedly throughout history, but always fights to be free. That sort of resilience is admirable, and merits study.

    2. The fact that the Viet Minh were able to defeat France in battle is worthy of study.

    3. The Viet Minh (predecessors to the Viet Cong) were hardy, tenacious fighters who never gave up, despite facing French soldiers, Foreign Legionnaires, and French Territorials. Precisely how they did so is something that armies of the world *should* study.

    4. Those who have visited Vietnam report that even today there is an almost mystical quality in the land and people. In attempting to understand that quality, they must study the people and the realm.

  3. many people have some personal connection to the Vietnam War. In order fully understand that war, one must know the history, i.e, the popular communist overthrow of the French Imperialist occupation after WWII.

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