
Why do people (esp kids) have a fear of closets and attics?

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Have you ever known ghosts to hide there? I had a GREAT fear of them..even as a teenager.




  1. Yup. In our house, we have two attacs, one over the garage and one over the master bedroom (our room), and the access door to the one over our room is in the walk-in closet that's off the attached bathroom (so the masterbedroom has it's own bathroom and walk-in closet). The demon I had came down from the attic into the closet. I used to feel him watching me when I took a shower, as the shower just happens to be directly across from the closet door.

    But attics and closets tend to attract them I'd guess b/c they're dark. There was also a portal open in my closet, took us a couple of years to figure out that's where all these dang spirits were coming from. I also know bad spirits tend to hang out in the eaves of your house, in all the places where the roof pitches like this: /\ . I have no idea why. It's a good idea, if you're sensitive, to hang wind chimes in those places, as well as wind chimes at the front and back doors. I have no idea why the chimes work, but they do. But my guess is that those places are especially high and dark. Darkness hides up in high, dark corners, of which attics and closets have many (and an attic IS a high, dark place).

  2. Kids are scared of places like this because it's dark and scary; a place they wouldn't normally go. They're comfortable with other areas as they go there often when it's light, but since they don't go to the scary places often they are uncomfortable with it and they don't know what to expect.

  3. Most likely pop. culture.

  4. People who reportedly have ESP may simply be aware of more of themselves. Part of this will include instincts that once told our ancestors, if it's dark, don't go in there! Humanity had to learn this lesson the hard way.

    Indigo children may be nothing more then children with more active imaginations then most. Entities may not have an objective reality, but they are felt to be real by those who perceive them. People with strong imaginations have been shown to have many advantages, such as problem solving, but can also have problems when they attribute too much or become to reliant on their imaginations. Whatever imagination actually is, it can cause both benefit and harm. I would be wary of trusting an entity fully just like I would be wary of trusting a person fully.

  5. What are called ghosts are entitied that reside in the dark. I was an indigo child. I had a friend nobody could see. I named him Mister Cardine. He physically exists outside the visual spectrum of humans, so i never saw him, but his voice was loud and clear. He never lied to me. There are black tarry entities less than two feet tall that can move through anything. They reside in darkness because they are the darkness. These entities are the force that absorbs the life force of evil people the moment they die. The "lives" they consume are compressed into their crowded darkness. They can be seen in the early hours before the sun is completely above the horizon. Mister Cardine could scatter the tar-like creatures. He would show up and they would leave. They do not fear people at all. They are very curious as to the intentions of people. They feed on the life forces of evil. They are very hungry for those "souls". The light is other side of that plane or platform and what one should aim for.and do good things for the Earth, others and self in that order and light will be in your next plane of existence. The tarry ones will lose interest quickly if you do good things with good intentions. Think about it..If you see a person and you know he is coming to your home; do you not want to know their intention? If you can see they mean you harm, you will not let them in, you send them into the night to do their bidding.. Your intentions will be known and you will be safe if your intentions are well meaning and good.. These things are no danger while you are living in this world. They put energy out that makes people make bad decisions. But people know the difference.Good intent is the key to blissful light. Evil intent is the key to compressed darkness with many others with the same intent.

  6. Television and Movies.

  7. I think we all have a fear of the unknown.  It's a very good instinct to have too.  It's no doubt contributed to the survival of this species.  The important thing to do as you get older is to learn about things around you.  If you bathe the ignorance in the light of knowledge then you can explore uncharted areas with confidence.

  8. great question Denie, one I would like to know the answers too as well. I have always been wary of corners that are hidden in rooms, closets and bathrooms and could never figure out why

  9. Are kids afraid of closets and attics? Mine never were. Mine were afraid of things like clowns, bears and Scar Face Claw the toughest tom in town. (From the kid's book Hairy McLary)

  10. Maybe it's because attics and closets tend to be places that have only one way out, the entrance. If I could choose which room of the house i would want to be cornered in by a homoicidal the last place would be a the loft (attic) or closet for obvious reasons - lofts usually can only be accessed by their entrance and are often at the top of the house (far away from where parents and safe people will hear you) and closets are almost always small and cramped, no where to run and hide. The same things could be said ghosts in those places.

    I guess people don't think that much when it comes to something like that but maybe thats subconsciously

  11. because its dark and scary

  12. not just tV and movies, also books and ghost stories...

  13. because it tends to be darker there. also, closets and attics are not places ppl usually hang out in.. it normally empty and quiet there.

  14. when i was a kid i always chesked the wardrobe and under the bed before i went to sleep, lol and what made it worse the walnut wardrobe had markings of a face on it, scared me for years,

  15. I'm a heterosexual in g*y wannabe denial.  So my fear of closets is a little bit inverted.  But I know what you mean.

  16. my two year old always sees things in closet as an adult i mus be dysfunctional cause I'm also afraid of closet since i was child

  17. because of the unknown...

    im a teenager and have a great fear of leaving the closet open, i probably will when im an adult as well.

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