
Why do people expect richer people to drive c**p cars?

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im not rich my self but if i had alot of money i would buy nice things to. but sometimes i see questions were people actually expect a millionare to drive a crappy car. if you have good money why should you have to deal with a beat up car, that wouldnt make sense. some people also say you should just give your money away to charity instead of buying yourself something nice which i dont really agree with

what do you think?




  1. I don't expect them to drive a crappy car.. Why would anyone think that? I drove used crappy cars for years until I came into a nice chunk of change and I bought me a brand new car that you would defiantly notice due to its color.. I have noticed that when you drive a crappy car people get a certain impression of you and when you drive up in the new one they treat you with respect

  2. your question doesn't make much sense but atleast I get 2 points for typing this!

  3. im the same way. if i had the money, i would buy nice things. i mean, i have nice things now, but, nothing like "rich" people have. i dont have a privacy fence all the way around my property, i dont have 4 brand new cars sitting in my driveway, i dont have a pool, and i dont have a maid. now i understand about giving to charity. like i said, if i had the money, i would. but, since im struggling to stay on my own two feet, every bit of money that i get, goes towards myself and my family. we are pretty much living pay check to pay check which sucks, but, thats how things are.

  4. They don't want them to drive a piece of "sh*t" car, they want them to drive a more environmentally friendly car. Hummers are an unnecessary extravagance and also a huge gas guzzler, and polluter. Plus I would hope people with your logic are a minority. I wish more rich people would take the money they were going to spend on their seventh luxury car and instead give it to a family who's last meal was a over a week ago.  

  5. Get a car that works and suits your needs the best.  Usually, cars are expensive for a reason- they're quiter, more comfortable, etc.

    There's no need to go completely overboard like some celebrities do with diamond-studded steering wheels and whatnot.  There's no reason for that.

  6. If you make money, then its yours 100%, and don't let people tell you what to do with it. but about the rich people, how do you think they got rich? Spending money everwhere?????? They most likely drive bad cars and live in smaller homes SO they have money for more practical things?

    \\and I promise you that not wanting to give charity does not make you selfish or anything, its when you do selfish things with that money that makes you selfish. (example, private jets and 6 cars)

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