
Why do people fall for the "Own a star" scam?

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You pay like 20 dollars and you "own" a star. Why do people fall for this? No one owns stars to begin with..




  1. It's a great scam, and entirely legal. The "International Star Registry" will name a star after you, and send you a pretty package with its coordinates, for about $55. They also publish the name - that is, they make a list of their patsies, bind them in a book when they have enough, and register the copyright with the Library of Congress (which anyone with any book can do.)

    There are multiple billions of stars, so they won't run out. But the facts are these: When stars are named - they are either very bright or important for some special reason having to do with their properties - the name is given by the astronomer who has worked on the star, and must be approved by an international astronomical authority. And of course they don't just name stars after folks.

    My wife has often wondered why people will settle for stars. With billions of entire galaxies out there, each containing billions of stars, why not pay $55 to have a galaxy named after you?

  2. I wonder how many stars are owned my multiple people....

  3. becouse americans are iditios

  4. I really don't know why?--- just a Marketing gimmick I guess.

    Our Astronomy club has searched for several "named" stars with our 16 inch telescope-- in those cases --- nothing can be seen at the star's coordinates.

  5. The same reason people fall for the "land for sale on the Moon or Mars" scam, because most people would like to think they own at least a small piece of the cosmos, i have bought land on the Moon as a novelty gift for my nieces daughter, allot of people buy these certificates of ownership just because there amusing and besides they look nice framed and put up on the wall as a conversation piece.

  6. Hey, I think that's cute, don;t you watch that then in the movies people give the star they "own" to the person they love? THat's cute

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