
Why do people fall into this Kimbo slice c**p?

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check it out he fought ray mercer (olderthan dirt)

bo cantrell ( known punchy i think he even gets paid to lose)tank abbot (enough said tank sucked when he first came out )

james thompson ( glass jaw james gina currano could knock him out )

he has won his last fights in this fashion blows to the back of the head or base of the school he should have been dq'd all this hype over a fly by night street fighter it is alot easier to fight under no rules than sanctioned ruled events kimbo still has alot of growing to do ltes test him make hime fight a top ten figther forrest griffen knocked him out in a sparring match and he never returned to the gym

oh and bu the way forrest is gonna beat rampage 4 sure




  1. how about you let him work his way up. do you go to local shows and tell the fighters they suck. he is doing the right thing. he's getting his rep built the same time getting experience. this is how its done. lets give him time to see whats up. maybe he'll suck maybe he'll be ok. maybe he'll die of a heart attack. I don't know the future nor do you. thiy don't teach it in school do they

  2. First of all Forrest hit him with a good kick, but it never knocked him out, Forrest has confirmed this as has Kimbo and even if he did get knocked out, do you tink he is the only fighter to have been Ko'ed in training??

    Second of all he is new to the sport so why should he be fighting top ten competition in his first two pro fights?? (mercer was an exhibition match btw not pro)  Lyoto Machida has won four straight UFC fights, none of those wins were against top ten comp except Soku who got into the top ten with two short fights.  Why would a world class trainer like Bas Rutten put his fighter into a top ten fight when his fighter is obviously not ready for that level.  Kimbo didn't create his hype the internet did.

    I am not a big Kimbo fan but guys who sit behind their keyboard and talk about how he should be fighting top tencompetition have never given a good reason why he should face the top ten in his third bout ever.  Its laughable to even think that.

    Think about Tyson, how many fights did he have before ever meeting a top 10 fighter, do some research and let us know.  How many fights did Rampage have before he faced a top ten??

    How about your boy Forrest?? He has only beaten one top ten fighter in his whole career and he lost to Dan Sevren in his first match, so Kimbo is off to a better start than Forrest right?  The hype was created by people who don't understand the sport yet, but they also may have never been an MMA fan without someone like Kimbo to get their attention, more attention means more money and better events in the sport.  If Kimbo isn't for real someone will expose him.  In the meantime I think its great that tens of thousands of new fans will come to this sport because of one internet brawler who found a way to make a real living with his fighting.

  3. They fall because they are sheep and don't know any better.

    Thompson has had some good fights in his career, so here is to hoping that he has one more left in him and "The Internet Sensation" can be left to the scrap heap of history.

    One more thing if you think that Forrest will beat Rampage then you might be crazier than all the Kimbo fans.

  4. It's just hype right now. He'll probably take a big step up in competition after the Thompson fight on CBS.  I know I'll be watching simply because it's mma but Kimbo will most likely win.  Kimbo would probably do all right in the UFC because HW division is a joke right now.

  5. kimbo sux. thats all i gotta say bout him

  6. The reason is because there are a lot more people that watch Youtube than MMA. People (mainly people new to MMA) believe that Kimbo ranks with the elite fighters because they don't know any better. They are unaware of this highlight reels on Youtube being fights against untrained fighters. Those in the ring that he has fought are beyond their peak and just cans to be punched to make him look good. Elite will never let go of Kimbo's contract... I highly doubt Dana White would ever sign him because he won't pay the money that Elite would. Especially since White would put him up against tough competition with his first two fights. Don't forget Kimbo is not that young... by the time he gets good he will have very few years to prove himself. The only thing you can do is laugh at the people who think Kimbo is even in the top 25. Maybe he'll get there one day working with Bas but I doubt it.

  7. THE MAN SELLS TICKETS, thats what matters to companies, sponsors, and organizations.  Its about the money, and Kimbo Slice sells... he may not be in the top 10 or 50, but i bet the common person knows him quicker than they know Fedor

  8. I've noticed people tend to not like people who are exceptionally skilled at something.  Maybe they're insecure, maybe they like the underdog, I don't know, but it seems pretty universal.  Not just in MMA, but other sports, music, everything.  They prefer mediocrity.

  9. Kimbo is 100% hype.  EliteXc needs to take advantage of his "internet celebrity" so they will not risk him losing by having him actually fight a skilled fighter.  All you will see him fight is big punchers w/ no cardio (Tank).  Maybe after Kimbo trains w/ Bas for a couple years, he may become "good".

    As weak as the UFC HW div may seem to some, Kimbo wouldn't crack the top 10 and would get his but kicked by anyone who takes him to the ground with a wrestling or BJJ background.

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