
Why do people fast when they have everything to eat? at the same time they tell lies and do evil things?

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Why do people fast when they have everything to eat? at the same time they tell lies and do evil things?




  1. I'm a Christian in love with God.  The reason we fast is to help us focus on a period of time in which we are praying.  The physical reminders that we are hungry remind us of our focus and what we are doing.  Jesus said to not draw attention to the fact that we are fasting but to do so with joy so that only our Father in Heaven knows and not necessarily the neighbors.  It's a personal time of focusing our energy and attention on the One we love and Who loves us.   As for the lies and evil actions, well, there is a rotten apple in any barrel.  But that does't mean that the majority of apples are rotten.

  2. the second answer is RIDICULOUS. i am a muslim, i believe in Allah, and actually i am fasting right now, because it is Ramadan.

    I see the above answer as offensive, as he has just been as racist as he possibly could be, and completely disrespectful to religious people, and i would like you, the asker, to report him.

    Now onto your answer, people fast to show that they are committed to God and to their religion, they do it as an act of faith in God. everyone has lied at some point in their life, and some will have done evil things, but God can forgive.

    The fasting period is a time when religious people can make up for the bad things they have done, and sacfice something. During Ramadan people do not fast all the time, non-stop, as suggested by the second answerer, because it is just in the daytime, from somewhere round 4.00 until 8.00 (because it shortens everyday).

    These people want to show God that they still believe, and want to stay good people.

  3. Why are you concerned with what someone else is doing?  

  4. People fast to earn points with thier god/gods.

    They view it as a sacrifice & do it to make themselves look good in front of thier peers and thier imaginary god.

    Fasting robs you of the daily nutrition you need to remain a healthy, strong individual - aware and alive.

    It's no wonder so many religions ask for this. It's much easier to control a weak, ignorant & servitile subject than one who takes care of himself - mind and body.

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