
Why do people feel Disney is childish?

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I am 26 with a 1 year old daughter. I have ALWAYS loved Disney, Collecting merchandise, Figures, music and Dvd's. I also love the parks! It annoys me that many people feel Disney is only for kids.

I enjoy painting and drawing and crafts. And look at the films from the artistic point of view, for example what colours they used and how something was drawn. So why would this be childish.

Peter Pan is a great example. Noone has to grow up.

What are your views,






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  2. I'm a 45 year old female science lab teacher.  I love Disney.  I think it springs from the fact that Walt Disney himself was an freaking genius!  I mean, look at what he developed.  His visions of Epcot Center would look revolutionary today.  He's right up there with Leonardo De Vinci, in my opinion.

    I love the artistic part of Disney because of the history of cartooning is basically written by the Disney corporation itself.  They are always on the cutting edge of anything going on, including educational reform.  I would love to be considered masterful enough to be hired by Disney doing anything...scientific or creative.

    I also love their fairy tale cartoons because I collect fairy tales from around the world.  They are a fascinating glimpse into the cultures of the world and how we all think alike.  

    The only thing I really don't like about Disney is that a lot of it's movies are historically inaccurate.  But, I'll forgive them.

    Go Tinkerbell!

  3. The fact that it is marketed towards children doesn't mean that it can't be appreciated by people of all ages. In fact, that is a trademark of disney productions, appropriate for all age groups.

    There have been some disney productions marketeted toward a more adult audience. Fantasia comes to mind... I can't imagine many kids really appreciating the orginal. In any case, childish or not, you can't really argue with 22 Academy Awards :P

  4. cuz it is and little kidz thing

  5. Possibly because it's for Children??

    This of course excludes 'Pirates' which Cad rather enjoyed!

  6. i still like disney films & i'm 16, so yanoo lol (: x

  7. I don't think many people think that, most people love disney no matter what age they are.

  8. I agree with you ....I Love Disney and can enjoy the artistic point of view and I'm Older than you.

    P.S. I'm not growing up either ;)))

  9. b/c it is targeted to little children and when they see you with those things, they associate Disney with children.....then they assume you are childish. Don't worry, I am a big kid at heart and my 15 month old daughter loves me the way that I am. We wouldn't have that bond that we have. She understands me and vice versa. I am 24 and I turned my craft making to greeting cards. I sell them and I get to spend time with my child. You are not alone.  Who cares what they think. Good luck.

  10. You're never too old for Disney! I saw Snow White at the cinema when I was 5 and I never forgot it, now I have it on DVD and I'm 32 with no kids! They're definitely 'family' films rather than just for kids and I totally agree with you on the quality. I absolutely LOVE the shops too, I expect you do too!! We don't have them where I live, but every time I go away I always check for one - the Disney shop in Bath is a sheer joy, I spend literally about an hour in there when I'm over. I think it's one of the few 'spin off' shops that actually give you great value (and I love the Disney music and even their plastic bags!).

    I have a set of Disney 'tea cards'; if you don't already have them, get some from eBay (they're only around £2) as they're stunning, plus a set of Disney stamps. I also have (yes I am 32!) the Mulan print studio software on my PC, well worth it for your daughter, it has colouring in books as well as all sorts of fun things you can create and print (and it's only about £2 now on Amazon!).

  11. i agree. i'm 22 and still love everything Disney. It's not just for kids i don't care who says it. since when was that a rule. come on it's what people grew up with. if there was no cinderella there would be no such thing as happily never after. Disney movies are what helps us learn about manners and what not. like in Pinocchio we learn not to tell lies. they're timeless classics for a reason and personnally i feel sorry those who've grown up and forgotten cartoon magic. it's what helps us escape from what's going on in this world around us. That being said folks should take another look in the mirror and realize that not everyone has to grow up so fast. You wish for it, then it will happen and then what?

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