
Why do people feel guilty when a loved one dies?

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Why do people feel guilty when a loved one dies?




  1. who no's

    i felt guilty when my g-dad died years ago because i felt that i could have talked to him a bit more and interacted with him more but thats a thing of the past now..

  2. Maybe they feel they could have done something about it. or just said a lovely goodbye or maybe they felt they should have been nicer or a better person to them

  3. Well maybe some people feel bad cuz they didnt spend enough time with that person when they were alive.

  4. Because you feel as if there if more that you could have done when they were alive.

    Most of the time you don't get to even say goodbye.

  5. The reason most people feel guilty when some one dies is because they always have some sort of sin they have done to that person. in that way they feel they have killed them even if it was completely irelivent.  Its their way of confessing the sins the have done (no matter how small). i hope this sort of answers your question.

  6. maybe because they feel they could have

    done someting to prevent the death

  7. Most times  they wish they could have done more. or They  know they  did  not do what they should have done.

  8. Maybe they feel that there was something they could have or should have done while that person was still alive and they didn't, like spend more time with them, listen to them more, visit them more or get along better with them.

  9. i never feel guilty when a loved one died and its happened to me a couple times. i just get really sad that ill never see them again.

  10. Lets say that "you" are the one that feels guilty. One reason that you might feel guilty may be that you just didn't spend enough time with that person or there were words left unspoken. Or maybe you said something that you regret or there may have been an unresolved issue with you and that person. Another reason may be that you just feel that it wasn't the right time for that person to die or that they died possibly a horrible death. It could be anything. Mine would be that I didn't spend enough time with them probably.  

  11. People oftentimes regret that they didn't do something, or they did something, or they didn't say something, or they did say something or... the list could go on and on. Dying is hard for a lot of people to understand and accept when it comes to a loved one. It's a fact of life that some people just can't fathom.  

  12. Because they think that they should have done something before the person died. They regret that they didn't say something to them. They are sad because because they should have spent more time with them. These things make us feel guilty because we feel we could have done more. Its all normal. But it does not make it any easier.  

  13. I don't know, I dont even know why they get sad. It's kind of selfish in a way. I understand if it is an atheist situation but for anyone who belives in a god or an afterlife or re-birth they should be glad that they died

  14. People only tend to feel guilty if in life they could have been a better son, daughter, wife, etc.  If you treat the ones you love well in life when they pass away you should not feel guilty at the time of their death, but lucky that you got to be a part of their life while they were here.

  15. they think it was there fault, when the case is most of the time there aren't  

  16. For me, it was because I felt as though I couldv'e done more to help them live, or at least to make their stay in this world a better one.  Often we forget how precious life is until it's gone.

    Oh, and for the person who is sad they'll never see them again, you will, just not in this world...

  17. They fill that they could not hold on to whoever died.

  18. A normal reaction to have is to be sad and shocked. But maybe you get in such shock and you get so angry you just start to look for reasons why they had to die. Maybe you blame yourself and feel guilty.

    Those feelings are normal though.

  19. Because they feel like they should have been the one to go first, or they feel guilty for being mad at that person for leaving them in such a turbulent state, with arrangments and all of that.  It depends on the person and situation, I think those two scenarios are quite good examples.

  20. They  remember  a  promice  unkept,  didnt  kiss them  when they last  saw  them , had  harsh  words , didnt  apoagize when needed too,  never  told  them thanks  for  what you  do.

        all this  sounds  like  a  sad  country  ong.  

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