
Why do people feel like they do about sport like (Football and Rugby) why so much passion the games?

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Why do people feel like they do about sport like (Football and Rugby) why so much passion the games?




  1. I do agree with the first answers but I would also say that these are times when entire nations come together. I mean, even though I am not into sport, I would rather see people getting along because of it rather than fighting. It brings even the worst of enemies together. I don't understand the amount of passion, surely there are more interesting things, but it is a social release, something a lot of people can talk about with each other. It's a good ice-breaker, even if you don't like sport!

  2. its a release from the pressures of everyday life i suppose, but i'm passonate about rugby because i played for ten years.

  3. I think it taps into a basic human instinct to belong to a tribe. And you want your tribe to win  or it will be wiped out. So you are going to support them as passionately as possible.

  4. When you are on a team you must help each other. People depend on you and you on them. it is all about the man next to you and what your goal is. you bring hope to people that watch you. you give them what they could never have done. players try to make a name for their schools by being the best. pro teams for there fans because they know they are some little kids hero. it is all about the other person.and to prove to your self that you can be a part of something great. That is why i play football.

  5. the players live the dream and the fans pay them  for the privilege of watching them do it

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