
Why do people feel so "moved" and "inspired" when they hear a politician give a good speech?

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When someone else writes their speeches for them. Why don't the writers get the credit instead of all the fake politicians, as if it came from their own mouth?




  1. No clue. I'm guessing either stupidity or gullibility.

  2. I don’t know every politician I see makes me want to throw up as soon as they open their smarmy hypocritical mouths. I hate the pig f’ers.  

  3. i don't feel moved, or inspired.

    i feel disgusted, they are all liars and will say anything for your vote.

  4. Because we hear so few of them these days. Politicians can't write their own words. They are too busy stealing from us, too busy lying to us, and too busy lining their own coffers. They could really care less about you and I.

  5. because they get paid a lot to make the politicians look really good

  6. The writers get paid to "inspire and move" people with their written words.

    The politicians get votes to "inspire and move" people with the vocal delivery of those same words.

    Think about it!  

  7. that's politics for you :D

  8. The writers get some credit in publications of them....but it has to do with the delivery of the speech......same thing with actors---writers of the movies or tv don't get much notable credit either, because the actor/politician can say it better, make it more believable, looks better and blah blah blah.  

  9. Because many politicians have that talent to evoke that in their audience, even when they aren't really saying anything.

    People's Exhibit A--Mr. Obama

    People's Exhibit B--Mr. McCain

    Not every politician mangles the language as much as Prez Dubya.

  10. That's politics, it's the same world wide.

  11. Because the majority of people are stupid sheep.

    <<<Trust me I know

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