
Why do people feel the need to cheat online on games?

by  |  earlier

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All I can think of is they have not got the skills to play fair and compete on an even keel.




  1. Maybe they're not doing it for competition or anything? They just want a different experience, and what's more thrilling than doing something you're not supposed to do?

  2. Because its easier and faster, dur.

  3. I know how you feel, I play Star Wars Battlefront II on PS2 and all I see are people glitching and cheating. Glitching by going through a certain corner in the wall and being able to shoot people through the walls and winning on capture the flag. It's weird that they can shoot me with one shot while it takes 10 shots to kill them. I've been playing the game for a long time and I've become good through the months but it just seems that people tend to cheat more on online games.

  4. Cos they are all N00bs

  5. Yes well people feel the need to cheat or buy higher level accounts to get acess to the good stuff online in the game.

    I think that the only things which makes people cheat is that they are either lazy, suck at the game or there isnt anything good enough to keep someone playing at the begging of the game, so they cheat to get it.... or a mixture of all three :P

  6. Because it's faster.

  7. Whenever it's a competition, there are people who will do anything just to win, even if it means cheating.  

    Why did Bonds take steroids, or why did Marion Jones take HGH?  Because they wanted to win so badly that they'll do anything just to have an advantage.  Same thing for those losers who have to cheat online.

  8. I hate cheaters even though i do it sometimes if i get annoyed at the other people, but its sometimes necessary to win

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