
Why do people feel the need to comment on everyting?

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I'm just curious why people comment on everything, and get into everyone's business. Like for just one example, when my mom was pregnant with her 5th child (I have 8 sibblings) everyone was like "Why do you have so many kids?" And they feel the need to comment and get into everyon'e business. Please no rude comments, I'm just curious. I'm not pointing fingers at any one group of people in particular, just society in general.




  1. Yes I know. I get irritated when people ask stupid things and are overly critical. It is when they see a weakness they go for it, and try and kick you when you're down.

    With your mother, they should be supportive to a pregnant woman. Instead, they make her feel like she should not have the child or have an abortion or something. Sometimes I think people sew these seeds to see if they can make you go through with it at their bequest (a power/control thing).

  2. its just away that society revolves. without it people wouldnt get anywhere



    im commenting right now!

  3. Good question and very true of today's society, where no one knows how to mind their own d**n business, including the government.

  4. well my thing is people really dont know how to have self control. they just dont know when to stop or even when not to say anything. i also think that these are people who are insecure and find pleasure or comfort in making other people feel bad or uncomfortable. i also think they are envious of certain things that they wish they had.

  5. question or rant?

  6. "why do you have so many kids?" hmm, maybe becuase your famliy likes to have a big famliy could be a reason.

    i notice my sister does the same thing. when we watch something together either a show or a movie, if a character speaks funny, she'll say

    "why does he talk like that?"

    i'm like.......its just a voice? i'm sure he/she can't put their hand down their throat and change their voice box. its just the way it is.

  7. hmm.


    i do it because im curious :D

    and i like to hear myself talk


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