
Why do people feel the need to do this...?

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~english girl sucks~ ....?

Grow up! Why do you feel the need to do something like this? Do you think it's big or clever or funny or something?

Sorry to ~English Girl~ and all the others who have had someone do something like this to them - why are people so childish sometimes?




  1. because they have low self esteem, and in doing stuff like that makes them feel better about their little selves

  2. I dont get it do what...?

  3. I know what you mean it is chidish.  I think it's so sad how some people feel the need to try and put people down, i think it's usually to make themselves feel better.

  4. I really don't follow you on this one but it sounds like a ***** on heat.

  5. Aeris M: That is highly insulting. I, myself, am an "English Girl" an I don't consider myself to be boring/ugly/whatever else you can throw our way, and nor does any of my friends. I think you may have a complex of some sort and are projecting your anger onto us.

  6. I am totally lost. Are you speaking of asking silly questions?

  7. Thanks for your consideration...

    I find the best thing to do is just to ignore them and they will get bored...

    edit: I know, it is annoying...sigh....but there isn't really much I can do about it :(

  8. The thing about those kind of posts brother is that they will always be here on the forum. There will be those who are blinded by the god of this world and will speak out of that blindness. For my part I ask the Lord to strengthen me to not touch certain matters. I learned that lesson early on the forum and have been preserved from entertaining any attention the enemy will try to gain through those that are in bondage by him.  May we continue to raise the Lord's name High here on the forum by expressing Him to others in our words, and how we handle others.  The Lord living in us is a Fine Godman who knew how to pray for others and how to deal with all kinds of situations and persons. May we take His lead in all things and matters.

    Grace be with you and peace be multiplied brother.

    Your sis


  9. They fail to realize there is a world outside of their mom's basement.

  10. I don't know english girl,this is more of a statement than a question

    seems to me your a bit bossy. :} that said have a nice day.

  11. Do what now?

  12. because they want Attention .

    Solution : ignore them  

  13. People have low self-esteem and so they need to pick on others in order to feel "big", it's quite common amongst criminals (I just made that up, but it sounds right).

    I can tell you that English Girls are far from boring and definitely far from ugly.

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