
Why do people feel the need to join groups/organizations and discriminate against others with opposing ideals?

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We see it all the time, Democrats making generalizations against Republicans, Republicans doing the game to Democrats. Lies spread, ignorance spawned with stupidity. Political party vs. Political Party, Country vs. Country, Race vs. Race. Why do people act in such ways? Is it because of our tribal nature? Or is there more to it?




  1. I think people tend to get caught up in there group/organization and forget to learn to be tolerant of other people. Just because I'm liberal doesn't mean that I should therefore discriminate against those who are conservative. They choose to believe in what they believe in and who am I to judge. I think also sometimes with things like country, especially at times like now during the Olympics, people get pride in there group/organization. I live in Canada and right now I've very proud to be Canadian and it will probably cause conflict next week when I go to Chicago. But also come winter especially during the winter Olympics for hockey it gets very tense in Canada and a lot of pride is felt all around. I just think people need to be tolerant of others.

  2. Political parties do it to gain power.

  3. You know one thing, I believe that 10years back, those thing don't happen that way. People then leave in harmony but I think that what the scripture said is coming to past now. That time shall come when one nation will rise against the other, and one race against the, that's whats happening now.

  4. i think i will go along with the tribal thing. individually we all feel vulnerable so we seek support from some group. groups exercise power that individuals do not have.  

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