
Why do people feel they can abuse me because I have a speech impediment?

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Why do people feel they can abuse me because I have a speech impediment?




  1. I have no idea. But I'm sorry, that's horrible. :(

  2. A lot of people don't understand people with disabilities. And they tend to treat you bad. They are ignorant. And you should report your abuse to the proper authories. No one should be ABUSED.

  3. I don't.

    As far as why some people are bullied and others aren't...if I knew, I'd tell you.  I guess you have to rise above it.  Try to remember that you aren't your job, you aren't your clothes, you aren't your speech impediment (to paraphrase Fight Club.)

    Concentrate on the stuff you're good at and let the rest fall aside.  Everybody has imperfections.

    But think about it--at least yours is obvious.  You can get it out there and move on.  What imperfections do seemingly perfect people have, huh?  You don't really know, do you?  But I guarantee you they exist.  It's not good to get caught up on them because everybody has some kind of issue.  So why not just accept that you're a human being and move on?  

    I don't know why some people aren't any good at that.  People can be jerks.  You'll do yourself AND THEM a favor if you stand up for yourself and demand to be treated fairly.  

    It's like in meditation, when you're trying to clear your mind of extraneous thoughts.  Note the problem and move on.  Don't get too attached to it.  Be honest, be confident, and get on with your life.  Don't let other people spread their insecurity all over you.


  4. Sometime it can mean that they have a lself esteem issues. So they do the cowardest things.

    But stand up for yourself dont let anyon treat you wrong. I know many people that have speech impedement and believe me that does not stop them from saying what they have on there mind.

    Remember that you are no different from anyone else.

  5. because it takes the look off themselfs

    the sados

  6. because they have so many emotional problems it makes them feel better to pick on others. Don't take them too seriously they're just hurting themselves. The next time they bother you about it you should just start drooling or taking to yourself or something. Anything but let it bother you. Unless you're a really bad person and people don't like you beyond your speech impediment.

  7. People always want to feel that they are better than someone else. (Inferiority complex) I'm sorry though. Everyone has a challenge and although it's hard to deal with them we have to try to be thankful that our challenges aren't worse than they are.


  8. Because when people have a speech impediment, they seem mentally retarded.

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