
Why do people fight to keep abstinence-only s*x education when we know that it doesn't work?

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My understanding is that this is being pushed by conservatives and religious groups. Do they sincerely believe that this "education" is effective? Or are they so devout that they don't care? Do they not understand that EVERYONE suffers from not educating young people about the responsibilities, dangers, and yes, joys, that come with being sexually active? I live in a pretty liberal area (politically and religiously) so sometimes it is hard for me to understand how/why other people think what they think. Any input, ideas, explanations are greatly appreciated. I'm just trying to understand. Thank you for taking the time.




  1. Ignorance, Opportunism to gey grants, stupidity and sexual hang ups.

  2. Because it's worth continuing to work on, *as well as* safe s*x practices.  It's 'easy' to kill a fetus. There's nothing wrong with suggesting abstinence.  Stop demonizing conservatives Christians.

  3. Abstinence doesn't work !  Please explain.

  4. Absolutely!

  5. its a feel good thing.  its just another do as i say, not as i do thing.  none of us want our kids to do what we all did as teenagers.

  6. There are morality police at work here.

    They want abstinence only not out of practicality but so that they may impose religious morality on all of us.

    And, if you don't do as they wish, you must have a child to punish your activities, or, even worse, you have to carry and bear the child and then give it up.

    s*x must be very frightening to those people.

    They do everything they can to discourage it, and yet male and female will be male and female.

    Its so much better to teach at home that protection from disease and pregnancy is the sane responsible thing, but they don't, and they don't want their kids learning it at school either. But if they have done such a great job, then what are they worried about?  Their kids won't be doing it anyway...right?

    Or maybe not.

    The idea here is not to teach morality and responsibility, its to practice good health habits, and its not healthy to have unprotected s*x.  

    I've never given serious credence that factual information on birth control would lead someone to anal or oral s*x.  I've never even thought anyone else could either.

  7. Abstinence does work if practiced.

    Like condomns are not effective if  you don't take them out of the package.

    Condomns are at best 75% effective at the spread of HIV so should they be ban too?

    Since HIV is 100% lethal.

    Is it not more responible to teach kids that you will be held accountable for you actions rather teach them don't worry if you get pregant kill the baby and we will make sure your parents don't know about it.

    We do need to give all the GOOD information to our children so they can make good choices not the one that is political correct.

    With the number of teenage pregancies going down is a good sign something is being done right.

  8. It seems it's to do with taking the fun out of s*x. I sometimes contribute to the Pregnancy forums and as soon as contraception is mentioned, someone else says, 'oh! but it's only 99% effective!' Nothing is 100% in this world, not even getting deliberately pregnant.

    I take it you live in the US?

  9. Because abstinence-only s*x education results in under aged girls practicing anal and oral s*x, which gives the righteous something else to simutaneously condemn and use as masturbation fantasies.

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