
Why do people find it funny when they start talking about lobotomy?

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Why do people find it funny when they start talking about lobotomy?




  1. Why not..Regular people would  immediately assume that  lobotomy is a branch of science whose main concentration is the study of   "lobot" (butt).  

  2. Curious.  But she's right.   Could be the reason why.

    But I really would like that Lobo be re-instated in ABS-CBN primetime.

    "My Lobo lies over the ocean.  My lobo lies over the sea.

    My Lobo lies over the ocean.  Bring back my Lobo to me!"

    I really think some of our colleagues are right that I should have a lobotomy.

  3. HAHAHA...

    I'm reading some of the responses here and I can see where you would think a lobotomy would be funny, but it is a misunderstanding caused by a language gap.

    To my knowledge lobotomies are not performed anymore because there are prescription drugs that can achieve better results now.

    A Lobotomy is where a brain surgeon literally sticks a knife in a hole that has been cut in a persons skull, and they scramble the brain tissue with a knife or other sharp instrument.

    The Dr's. know that different areas of the brain control different functions and emotions. The most common lobotomy was the frontal lobotomy, where the brain surgeon scrambles the brain tissue in the forehead. Your aggressive emotions (and other emotions) are triggered from that part of the brain. Dr's. use to do this surgery to criminally insane people.

    The problem with a frontal lobotomy is; it puts the patient in a "Zombie" like state for the rest of their lives. No aggression, means no will to do anything.

  4. "ambot sa imong lubot!"   it's like saying 'it's your butt on the line' so maybe people find lobotomy funny thinking it's about the buttocks,  hehehe

  5. For a Bisaya, I will find the word really funny.  However, after I have researched the word, it is not something to laugh about.  Imagine to undergo surgery where an incision is made into the frontal lobe of my brain to cut one or more nerve tracts to treat certain mental disorders I may have or suffer?  No, thanks.  Do lobotomy on others, not me.  I am fine...I am not mentally deranged or incapacitated.

  6. because it sounds funny!

  7. because lobotomy means taking part of the brain out. it's like saying that its the only to save totally changing or taking out the way they think. like saying, create a totally different personality because the current one is hopeless. :)

  8. cebuano speakers especially find it funny

  9. they think it's an operation done on.. well.. sh8thole or buttocks.

    Actually it's a brain surgery, but hey, say lobot to a Visayan lad and he'd flash you a grin.

  10. Erap wants  Lobotomy to get rid of his Alcohol cravings, the Doctors found out there is nothing to be Lobotomized.

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