
Why do people find it necessary to crouch over when exiting a helicopter?

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The rotors are so far over their head!




  1. It's purely psychological. Because of the strength, speed and noise of the rotors as well as the way people are automatically protective of their head makes them crouch down.

    Also, there is a very heavy downdraft created by the whirling rotors when you just land and exit.


  2. I hate that I always mutter something about it when it happens in movies. I cant think of any logical reason to duck when walking under a helicopter I think it was started in the movies or something. I actually went on a helicopter sight seeing trip once and made a specific point to notice if anybody was ducking when boarding the aircraft. all the PAX did but not the pilot. I walked up to it on my tip toes just to show my brother that there is no reason to duck.

  3. The rotors can tilt.  That's how the Helicopter steers when it is in the air.  A gust of wind can cause them to tilt unexpectedly when it is on the ground, lowering the blades enough to cut off your head.  The farther out on the blade, the more it can flex; so you might be able to get away with standing up straight right next to the helicopter, but when you get to near the end of the blades, you'd better be ducking if you know what is good for you.

  4. There's the decaptiation thing.

    Then there's the part about being that close to something moving that fast is just scary. I duck, I'm not proud.

    If you don't believe us, try it sometime and walk straight under the blades....

  5. simple. decapitation hurts like a mother. nine years flying helicopters in the military i was aware of several conditions where blades spinning more that eight feet off the ground have flexed in gusts to hit someon or people had exited to the upslope side and walked right into the disk. you walk as strait up as you want. me, i'm gettin' low. purely psychological my a$$.

  6. Most are ok if you dont crouch... most...

  7. Helicopter blades are flexible. When under full power the are straight, but when powering down they sag, thus increasing the chance of getting your head choped off. On really choppers, the sag can be as much as 3 or 4 ft

  8. Some  smaller helicopters have rotors much closer to the ground, and in any helicopter, the blades can flex or the cyclic control can be moved, bringing the blades much closer to the ground than they appear at first glance.

    You can walk straight up if you want to.  The rest of us will duck.

    See you in the bar...

  9. Cause  they don't want to do a Vic Morrow impersonation.

  10. Here is exactly why! if the pilot bumps the cyclic controls, the rotor system can react quickly. for example on the Coast Guard's HH-65C dolphin the rotor blade can track as low as 5' 2" thats enough to rip a guy's head off. I have seen the rotor blade dip down before its pretty scary!

  11. Yea I always think about the same thing when I see people do that.

    It is all psychological.

    Good Luck....

  12. It's a fear that they may get their heads chopped off!

  13. It's instinct. Just like how all cats l**k their butts the same way. (Sorry, my cat is here l*****g it's butt so that's the first analogy I came up with). If you have large sharp rotors spinning around above you powered by a loud jet engine, you're going to duck instinctively.

  14. do you want your head cut off

  15. cause the terrain is not always flat, cause tha rotor might be tilted forwards, cause ... cause.. flexible blades

    many reasons.

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