
Why do people from Europe and Asia have white skin?

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Why do people from Europe and Asia have white skin?




  1. this has to do with the genetic make-up of the person which is influenced by where they live over many generations or thousands of years, life always finds a way to adapt or the species dies and a more adaptive species will emerge to take its place..................

  2. Your body needs vitamin D...

    The sun, however, is the only source of Vitamin D (except that now we add vitamin D to our dairy products).

    When the body has enough vitamin D, it allows the skin to get darker so as to not absorb anymore vitamin D.   Melanin stops the absobtion of vitamin D through the skin.  

    In places where there is alot of sun light (like africa or the Middle East, or Souther Asia), people evolved to keep a certain pigment so as to not absorb too much vitamin D from the sun.  

    But in places where sun is not always out (like england or russia), people evolved to have little or no pigmentation because they need to get all the vitamin D they can, whenever the sun comes out.

  3. If you notice, it seems that the european people are usually not as tolorent of the harshness of the sun. Not in ALL cases but certainly in most, darker skinned people say of African descent, are less likely to age as fast as fair skinned people. Genetics of coarse has much to do with it as well. Animals, including humans, tend to adapt to there inviroment and pretty quickly too. Dogs were once wolves, and humans were probably all one color.

  4. because europe is mainly a cold climate, which wouldnt make its people skin turn dark

  5. that is probably where we really originate from.

  6. First of all, your question makes a sweeping generalisation that all asians are white... well seriously speaking, ethnic asians ARE not white... their skin has a light brown/yellow to dark brown tone... there are indians, chinese and everyone else is in between.. and yes there is the scientific issue of

    biologcal make-up. Europeans and asians generally have less melanin in their skin... less melanin equals lighter-coloured skin. However, this also means a greater sensitivity to UV rays... this is way africans and darker skinned people are less likely to develop skin cancer as compared to caucasians.

  7. less sunny that african/eastern areas

  8. it is all about humans adaptation to their environment

  9. a substance called mellanin*excuse spelling*causes your skin to be browner and protects you from the sun.In colder countries there is is not as high a need for the substance and so they are paler. amazing huh!

  10. it was because black skin can loss hot so easest than white body and because of this hot place people have a black skin.

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