
Why do people from new york city think they know everything?

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Why do people from new york city think they know everything?




  1. what is there to know lol  umm i guess their government tells them they're are fabulous and so they believe it.  i like how they have city in their name as if we didnt already know...

  2. yes there is more culture ... what about the people in Washington D.C then.. are they all experts in politics...?

    Not too sure.. nobody is a superbrain.. go to NYC and not everyone has travelled but New Yorkers more likely .. ask them if they know all the capital cities of Europe...I know they often don't know here in Canada because they prefer to travel within Canada or USa so Europe they only know what they read about....

    We all have weaknesses and strengths and so do the New Yorkers.. same as in France the parisians think they are the smartest because they live in the capital.. but that is not true.. if a person believes of him or herself they know everything is to me a sign of arrogance.. I admit there is a lot I have to learn yet.. and I don't know everything... x*x

  3. Because they are exposed to more culture, night life, crime.

    We see what other people in the burbs dont see.  I've seen people killed in front of me.  Stepped over dead bodies.  Been held hostage.  Our lives are the stuff that are what you see in the movies.  We may appear to know everything because you have to have a sense of confidence to survive their.  Otherwise you are targeted as weak and vulnerable.  It's just an armor you wear if you want to survive that is.

  4. It's all a front. The city is competitive, crime rich and cold. You have to seem like you know it all to survive.

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