
Why do people generalize and think all kids are out to do bad because of there age?

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There are always smart kids not all punks think they can get away with everything.




  1. Because they are.

  2. Because so many do bad things. I don't trust kids in general and go out of my way to avoid them esp teenagers.

  3. I agree with the teacher (above) -- thanks!

    Five of my six kids were teens at the same time and in my unbiased opinion, I found them (all) to be terrific.

    I've been a homemaker their entire childhood, with no regrets.

    I adore them...their friends...who they've become...and where they're headed.

  4. Everybody always generalizes everything.

    It's part of our higher cognitive function to try to draw conclusions from available evidence.

    It is also part of our laziness to not get the full facts, but to just draw conclusions from too small of a sampling of experience.

    Worse still we tend to express ourselves lazily, and just lump everything and everybody into one group, as if all there is is what we've already seen, even when we know it's not true.  So we assume that everyone is overgeneralising and on some level we assume everything we hear or read is false, attributing the same laziness to others as we can see in ourselves.

    Everyone does it all the time.

  5. I agree - and I'm 47, BUT I'm also a high school teacher.  It's very frustrating that people get those negative ideas about teens, but if you watch ANY TV, you'll see why.  In most shows, teens are either thugs, arrogant jocks/cheerleaders, or socially-awkward smart nerds!  Rarely will a normal teenager be protrayed.

    Sadly, I can say that since I started teaching 22 years ago, student (and parent) apathy toward education has escalated to an alarming point.  Still, it really bothers me that REAL kids get a bum rap with the population in general just because of they way they're portrayed on TV and in the movies.

    I LOVE teenagers - from 7th grade on up.  Like I said, though, I'm a teacher, and I love my job too!

  6. Maybe with all the celebrity kids/young adults out there, our elders assume that we are all crazy drug addicts. I guess back in their day celebrities were role models or something.

  7. cause most of them are..

  8. Because there are no youth clubs anymore, kids generally have nothing to do, so standing around and having a laugh has got boring to them, and they need to hav something to do, so they go around damaging other peoples' property; other people; or indeed stabbing. And unfortunately its the kids' that do this.  The odd one or fu may be good, but the majority are bad!!

  9. its a majority thing like people on welfare dont work and are lazy we know its not true in all cases but in most

  10. cos most of the kids re idiots..

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