
Why do people get Czech Rep and Slovakia confused?

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I'm German and Slovak, but I look more Slovak, and people have said, "Oh, aren't you Czech/Czechoslovakian?" And will say something about "Czechoslovakia" when it's two countries with two languages (I know that they're very similar, but still). I'm aware that the Czech Republic and Slovakia used to be one country (Czechoslovakia) but they haven't been for awhile. One kid actually tried to tell me that "it's one country." Are most Americans seriously this uneducated?




  1. Czechoslovakia was 1 for so long that some people are still trying to get used to them being separated. Another reason is because nothing massive has happened in either country and we are all so focused on the war that they don't have time to talk about the 'small' countries.

  2. Dobra den! Actually they weren't one country for all that long were they. About 48 years.And have been separate again for 10 years. I understand your frustration. Even journalists and TV announcers in my country ( New Zealand)-   still use the name Czechoslovakia. I can only say it is ignorance.

    They are both very beautiful countries, but quite different. Your mountains are just stunning. I am always surprised now they are separate just how may people go just to Prague! Maybe Cesky Krumlov. Certainly not to Slovakia.They miss out on fantastic outdoor activities in particular.Czech is a more difficult language to learn I think.

  3. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Americans learn very little geography, even about their own country. They get taught lots about American history and the Civil War and will be amazed you don't know all about that garbage too.

  4. I am Slovak, and I was about to ask the same question, so thanks for asking.

    I met lots of people in states thinking that it is still Czechoslovakia, or we were a part of former Yugoslavia republic.

  5. I really would not call it uneducated, would moreless say, they do not spend that much of interest into facts going on at the other side of the world. Aren't we the same in some instances, do we know what's going on in Asia's or Africa's conflict melting pots. There were that many issues going on worldwide, that the "friendly split" of Czechians and Slovaks just was worth a small note on page three. When I was in Berlin to visit friends last year, I was approached by a man, wearing a cowboy hat, who asked me: "Hey, where the h**l is the wall?"  

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