
Why do people get abortions ? do they wnat to hurt them selves ?

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Why do people get abortions ? do they wnat to hurt them selves ?




  1. people get abortions cuz they arent ready for babys

  2. what you get is mostley emotional pain cauz every life lost is something to be sad about.also ppl get abortions because ok look at it this way your boyfriend leaves you after you tell him that you're preggy and your parents are strict religious ppl and they would kill you if you tell them you have no other choice than to drop that poor poor baby.hope this answered your question and hope it never happens  2 u ever!

  3. i think women get abortions because they believe a lie we've been fed over and over again that the baby isn't a baby until a certain time. I've never quite understood at what SECOND in the pregnancy that happens in. One second it's not a person the next second it is? And it's an easy way out of a hard situation...supposedly. But actually a lot of these women struggle with the decision they made for the rest of their lives...both physically and emotionaly. Lies so Planned Parenthood can make more $$$$. They don't really care about these women or children....I know, I've been there.

    the problem with andrayas answer is that it only thinks of the woman involved...not the child. while the abortion may be easier for the woman (which i don't believe), it KILLS A least even with the pain the mom feels in relinquishing her child to adoption, the child has an opportunity at life.....clearly one is heroic while the other is cowardly.

  4. Because they don't want to be pregnant.

    And why is this in the adoption section?

  5. personally i think they are scared to be parents which means they shouldnt get pregnat in the first place! And me i think its wrong its just another pair of eyes that will never see an other pair of hands that will never touch another set of feet that will never run and a wonderful human being that no one will be able to love

  6. Lets look at the different types of "hurt" that occur from abortion and compare them with the "hurt" that occurs after loosing a child to adoption. I have traveled both roads.

    Hurt #1 - Physical pain.

    No comparison. At all. Abortion, when done in the early stages, is about as painful as a pap smear. Childbirth on the other hand is AWFUL. Abortions don't take hours and hours and you are well sedated and medicated against the pain, wish I could say the same for the birth of my son as his was 100% a natural birth.

    Hurt #2 - Recovery time.

    No episiotomy or hemorrhoids from an abortion. No sitting funny for weeks, no bleeding, no surgery to remove placenta bits. Live birth? All of the above for me.

    Hurt #3 - Emotional pain.

    Though I was upset after abortion it is nowhere near the pain I experience every day after loosing my son to adoption. Not even close. The aftermath of abortion took about three months to work through and come to terms with, for me. The aftermath of adoption is never ending. It cripples my relationships and professional life, it leaves me unsure of my ability to parent his sisters effectively and has generally broken my spirit.

    Comparison? I'll take abortion over adoption any day should I choose not to parent a child I conceived.


    I did NOT choose abortion to get out of parenting. I chose abortion to end a pregnancy that I didn't want to continue. Just wanted to clarify that.

  7. first trimester abortion is less dangerous than a full-term pregnancy and delivery.

    ...most women who have an abortion do not regret the decision.

    ...abortion is a personal choice, made for a multitude of reasons.

    ...exactly what do you mean by "hurt."

    ETA: the majority of PP's revenue comes from contraception and family planning office visits, not abortions.

  8. Their body their choice.

  9. Because sometimes they think that's the only way out... I don't think everyone really thinks about how dangerous it is...

  10. Ummm, i think you are in the wrong category.

    This is the ADOPTION section!

  11. to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy

  12. Having an abortion is not related in any way to wanting to hurt yourself. Women have abortions because they get pregnant and don't want a baby. No matter what your view on abortion might be, there's pretty much no doubt that having a baby -- going through pregnancy and delivery -- will hurt more than having an abortion. But I hope most women don't choose either one based on how much it might hurt. Usually women have a baby because they want to have a baby -- and they are okay with going through the amount of hurt -- or they have an abortion and deal with the hurt that causes because it is preferable to them to having a baby.

  13. ummmm, accidental pregnancy???

    not all people see abortion as murder.

  14. Your question doesn't really make sense. Supposedly the physical pain is minor, it is mostly emotional pain. And I am sure there are a lot of people who don't really think about it again after the process.

    Everyone has their own reason and excuse for everything they do. Some women get abortions to save their own life. Some women get abortions to forget the emotional pain of a rape. Some women get an abortion because they don't know what a condom is and make the choice.

  15. Women have a personal right to make that choice and i honestly know the only time i would ever abort a baby would be if there was a significant life risk to me or the child to continue the pregnancy. Or perhaps if i was raped and couldn't deal with it.

    I do know one woman who bravely chose to go ahead and have a baby that was the result of a rape because she didn't believe in abortion.

    Others do, i know a couple of people who have chosen the abortion option. Of their own educated choice, one because she wasn't ready for a child yet and the other because it would not have gone down well in her religious family to have a baby at the age of 17.

    That is their own choice and whether or not they experience emotional consequences of the decision either way is their own thing to work out.

    I think it takes a lot of courage to stand up and make a decision like that, it certainly isn't cowardly as some other people suggest.

  16. No they don't "want" to hurt themselves.

    Have you personally ever been through this experience?

    I doubt if you did you would be on here asking this question.

  17. There is no physical pain associated with an abortion. You go to sleep pregnant and wake up with your period.

    People get abortions for a number of reasons - rape, teenage pregnancy, one night stands, hereditary disease, HIV, etc.

    It is not a case of hurt, it is a case of what is right for them.

  18. Why do people give their children away to adoption?

    Do they want to hurt themselves AND their child??

    'Cuz that's what happens.

    If their is no harm involved (ie abuse, drugs etc) then adoption should not be encouraged - as it's bad for both mother and child.

    p.s. - this is the adoption section - I have no clue why you're posting this question here - as the two are not linked.

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