
Why do people get addicted to smoke?

by Guest66870  |  earlier

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I mean i tried it before:S and i hated it! I know we're not all the sae, but why do they get addicted? is there some kind of ingredient? A bit like mcdonalds isnt?

thnxs :]




  1. The Nicotine in it obviously.

  2. nicotine and faulty genetics.

  3. It's not due to the taste, it's due to the nicotine, which like any drug is addictive. I might be wrong, but I've heard that nicotine is a more addictive drug than heroin.

  4. if you mean cigarettes then they get addicted to the nicotine

    and i don't know either..

    i've honently never tried it, and don't want too

    i think its a nasty habit, and you're just killing yourself and everyone around you

  5. some people like myself are fascinated with smoke

    i can sit and watch incense burn for an hour and never get bored.

    i have no idea why i just find it extremely intriguing

  6. People are addicted to nicotine, it won't happen the first time you smoke but it doesn't take long. It is nothing to do with genetics, everyone who persists with smoking will become addicted.

  7. nicotine *sigh*

    uneducated youth..

  8. the nicotine

  9. Though it may not be the healthiest of meals McDonald's is not addictive in the medical sense. This requires the development of tolerance and the experience of withdrawal.

    Nicotine however sets up complex addiction pathways in the brain that are long lasting and difficult to break down.

  10. I don't know *lights up*

    But my fingers and toes are yellow!

  11. Nicotine is the main reason -- it's as addictive as any drug known. There are also some other addictive compounds in the smoke. After that, it's mostly genetics -- some people don't get addicted at all, some get heavily addicted. As you might expect people who get a nice effect from it the first time they try it are more likely to get hooked but, curiously, so are those who get nauseous when they first smoke, because it means they're more sensitive to nicotine.

  12. mcdonalds lol  

  13. nicotine is what gets people addicted to smoking. It's reallly hard to quit once you've started  

  14. nicotine: a substance that causes the user to want more. its why people get addicted  

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