
Why do people get all in ur case when u ask a question about ur pet bird.?

by  |  earlier

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like pretend ur asking about ur pet parakeet. some idiot would answer and say 'birds are meant to fly outside, not sit around in a cage.' that is just stupid considering these are domesticated birds that would die in the wild.




  1. just don't pay any attention to those idiots, certain birds are not meant to be house pets and some are...

    Don't fret, its no biggy. :D

  2. I think that with this, same as with other animals,  you will get both sides/.opinions. If what they are saying is  why not point them to a good resource and constructively help them learn?

  3. Because it's the PETA pushers who are just uneducated.  Meanwhile they are killing more animals then the shelters are but like to hide it more.  Just ignore them and maybe they'll shovel the c**p they keep piling on Ramsey's in England, LOL!!

  4. I KNOW!

    I asked a Q about my pet DOMESTIC Cayuga ducks and this person got all up in my face about how ducks are supposed to be in the wild and how they are not pets, and how I should go put my ducklings back ( I dont see how that is possible because I ordered the eggs offline and hatched them in my own incubator ) and they said that I should go let them go so they can fly away ( which is impossible because Cayugas are like Rouens and cannot fly ) and how I should let them spread their wings and FLY FLY FLY AWAY!

    Then they started saying that owning wild birds is illegal and all that stuff.

    Even though I had clearly stated in my Q that they were domestic pets.

    The one thing that is worse than people getting up in your face, is people getting up in your face because they didn't read your whole question.

    *sigh* Ah, aren't you amazed how ignorant some people are?

  5. Most people who answer in such manner don't know the answer really so to have something to say, they answer with stupidity!

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