
Why do people get cats or any pet when they don't have money to look after it?

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It makes me so mad when I read people on here saying " I can't afford a vet" well if that's the case then why don't they get insurance? or don't get a pet in the first place!




  1. Some folks look at animals as objects and don't think about the fact they do feel pain, etc.

    Then there's the question...where do you draw the line in the amount of medical care you will provide?  

    Basic needs of a pet must be met--immunizations, proper food, exercise, care for an injury/illness, etc.  Before I had my dog, a friend spent $700+ on a procedure for her dog and I thought it was ludicrous.  Then I got my first dog (as an adult where I was completely responsible for her).  I had her for 15 years.  I probably spent a few thousand of dollars on grooming, medical care, and other things that my friends and family thought was crazy.  There was a time when she was sick that I spent $800 just on one episode  She was my family and I took care of every thing she needed.  However, not everyone can afford to do that, and we should not judge someone if they draw the line differently then we do--as long as they don't make the animal suffer.

    As far as pet insurance, I think it's a joke.  We had it for a while, and the vet just used it as leverage to do all sorts of tests that we didn't need.  (We have indoor cats now and don't need every test in the book.)  It didn't save us a penny.  It actually cost us more in the long run.  It's great if you have a pet that has problems, or if you have a vet that isn't trying to be a salesperson vs. doing what your pet actually needs.

  2. Same reason they have kids...

    Because they think they're cute and don't consider it a commitment as it should be. There seem to be a multitude of irresponsible child owners, unfortunately.

  3. Is everyone answering this question just mean or what? Poor people are often depressed, lonely, and not thinking straight when companionship comes to them. I have never met anyone in this situation that actively went out and looked for a pet. They take in what comes to them through other peoples cruelty. They know they can't afford it, but they also know that no one else will take the animal in. Don't be so judgmental about others, the people that can't afford the pet are still trying. Why not be angry at the owner that has the money, doesn't care, and kicks the animal to the curb. Also, donate to causes that help low income people with pet care.

  4. Because they think it is cute and don't consider it a commitment as it should be.  There seem to be a multitude of irresponsible pet owners, unfortunately.  

  5. I hear ya!

  6. Because they are selfish.  It's always sad and the pet suffers.  They neglect their pets, but trust me they find the money for lots of other things.

  7. Because their are how many pet stores out their with cute and cuddly animals? Most people think its like getting a toy or something. You give it food and its fine. Their aren't signs up telling people to expect a min of $500 or more per year on vet bills. Its not like you do a credit check on people before they adopt...

    I have 2 cats that I almost can't afford right now. Hopefully I will get a raise or better job soon, because as you said, vets are expensive, and my cat is old, so they know me WELL down there. I have cut down a lot over the last couple of months to be able to take care of them, and my parents are trying to help out. If I still had the choice, I would not have gotten my second cat, but I don't, so I simply make do. As gas goes down it gets easier at least. And thank GOD it has not been a truly hot summer this year. I can't afford to run the air. Fortunately my poor Persian had to be shaved for skin problems (lesions that with about 3 days of ointment were cleared right up) he isn't overheating. I always feel terrible when he has his full coat in summer. And no, I wouldn't have shaved him to save on the air, just trimmed his coat several times so he wouldn't over heat.  

  8. I'm trying very hard not to be part of the problem.

    Until a lawsuit gets us the money we're owed from my boyfriend's job, we're struggling.  And while that's been going on we've gone from 2 to 6 cats.  First a pregnant stray was willing to come in.  We let her have the babies because we found loving homes for her three lumps before they were born.  She had 4 and we could have let the 4th go but we were so upset about them leaving that we kept him.  We caught our girl's wild older kitten when he was about 6 months old and tamed him because we couldn't stand for him to grow up out there.  Then when we thought we were settled my boyfriend found a tiny little one, about 5 weeks old, in the median of the busy road in front our house.  

    But they all go to the vet!    

    They should eat better and I feel badly about that.  I can get purina one very cheap since I swap coupons a lot with people who have human children or dog children but I do realize that if I only had two cats still I could afford good food for them.  But then my girl would probably be watching yet another litter of kittens die, at least some of her last litter would be dead, her bigger kitten would be feral and doomed to a short, tough life, and our smallest one would be dead.  If they went to shelters they'd be taking spots from other kitties.  I don't doubt that someone would adopt the smallest one, his coat is a red lynx point and he's completely darling but he has some special needs from being abandoned and starting life feral.

    anyway.  rambling aside.  I will go hungry before these cats do.  I am lucky enough to have a friend who has a lot of experience with animal care so I ask her for advice sometimes but nothing replaces actual medical attention from a licensed vet. If one required something that was very, very expensive there's a good chance I couldn't get it done but most things would just go on the credit card if I couldn't pay it.  At the very least they always have what they need as far as the basics go (which of course includes spaying and neutering).  I can't imagine why people would get a pet if they couldn't even afford that stuff.  

    The "free kitten" attitude really bothers me.  I feel very sorry for animals who are adopted by people who have no intention of supporting them properly.  And it's not all poor people.  There are plenty of people who have the money who just refuse to spend it on animals.  It's very upsetting.  

  9. What makes me even angrier are the people who come here to Y! Answer saying that they don't have money to bring their cat to a vet..... YET THEY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO WRITE THIS ON A 1000$ COMPUTER WITH A MONTHLY FEES OF 30$ FOR THEIR INTERNET ACCESS!!!!

    Or, the other day I went for a consultation for a cat behavioral problem where the guy was ready to pay me 35$ to get his problem fixed (urine outside de litter) but when I told him that he probably needed to put another litter somewhere else in the house he told me it was too expensive and that he didn't had a place for another litter! his 5 rooms condo! So he gave the cat away! (fortunetly I was able to get the cat a new home)

    So let's ventilate our frustration together and try to help those who really wants to be nice with their pets.

  10. Guess I should kill myself.  I have insurance thru my job, but cannot afford to see a Doctor.

    Not much different.

    I earn more than minimum wage...I am ineligible for 99.999% of low cost clinics.

    Yes, my pets go to the vet for shots and emergencies.  But if a home remedy will work, I would rather try the home remedy and save the $ for food and shelter.

  11. they are stupid

  12. It makes me mad too when it's blatant irresponsibility. There are questions from people who truly mean well but have lost their jobs, their homes, their spouses. These break my heart because the person actually wants to help their pet and were able to at one time. It has become a crisis with rising gas prices and mortgage nightmares. There are services for low income but lots of times those services are ear marked for long-term low incomes. Insurance is a great idea but some don't even have health insurance for themselves let alone their pets. The best most can do is practice preventative care so that medical emergencies aren't likely and have a regular vet who knows you so if the need arises, payments can be worked out. I do agree people shouldn't just get a pet without first assessing whether or not they can afford vet care.

  13. Me too. So sad for the poor pet. And there are free vets and clinics for folks that can't afford vet bills. And animal insurance for cats and dogs costs about £5 ($8) a month. Not a lot.

  14. Well, I don't have money because I am on disability for a chronic disease! So, I live month by month, doesn't mean I can't have pets. I have 3 cats and if they need to see the vet, I will get them treatment before I pay my bills so they are well taken care of. I would never let my cats go without vet treatment and medications! My cats come first! And no, I do not party, do not drink, do not take drugs, do not buy clothes and I'm in the house almost 24/7. I'm a single mom with 3 cats and my son and cats have all they need! I can't say the same for some people though! Oh, I do smoke cigarettes, though! Plus, they don't eat c**p! I feed them California Natural!

  15. People without money are stupid.  They do not have money because they make stupid mistakes and have no idea how to balance a budget.  Their money mismanagement is why they are poor.   You can apply this to all situations not just why they have pets.

    And yes it really irritates me when they involve animals.  You always seem to hear of the person living alone and workers found found 49+ cats.

  16. Like Jeff Foxworthy says.... THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE PET!

    I understand .. I have also been there.  BUT...

    Unfortunately they CAN afford booze, partying, drugs, more clothes than they need. CIGARETTES!  

    They think "It's just an animal"  so it doesn't need a Dr.  

    This is a RESPONIBILITY... you take on when you get a pet... they wouldn't allow their kids to be in pain without taking it to the Dr.

    The other one I don't get is why do people post things on here about hurting/ sicking their dog on a cat...etc!

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