
Why do people get corn in there poo?

by Guest10916  |  earlier

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Why do people get corn in there poo?




  1. Weird question, man.

    Plant matter is harder for modern humans to digest because plant matter cells contain a complex carbohydrate called cellulose. The enzyme that can break down that particular kind of carbohydrate is missing in modern humans. That is made even worse by the fact that we don't really chew our food as thoroughly as we should and many kernels are swallowed whole, making it even harder for our digestive system to digest corn.

    The interesting thing about this is that this wasn't always the case. The first humans had longer digestive tracks, an active appendix and larger jaws equipped with more, tougher teeth, so digesting plant matter was possible. That changed with evolution and the increase of meat and softer foods intake over veggies and tough/ raw foods.

  2. Because corn is difficult to digest.

  3. its like gum hard to digeast thats how you thiink you havent had cord in a long time  it was from like a week ago it didnt digeast yet

  4. Because the human body doesn't digest it well. This is a good thing though. Foods like corn, the skins of beans and some produce (ruffage) actually help to keep the colon cleaner thus lowering the chances of colon cancer.

  5. ewwww

    but  it is because the corn does not digest, and it stays the same shape and color....yuck but true

  6. Your body cannot digest a whole corn kernel, you actually have to chew it.

  7. Our sytems do not digest corn very well; I actually cannot eat corn at my evening meal for this reason; it will sit in my intestines overnight and make me sick.  So when I do eat corn, it's earlier in the day, and I chew it very thoroughly.  I think it is the "skin" of the kernels that is the big issue.

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